/* * Copyright (c) 2014, 2023, Chengdu Minto Technology Co.,LTD. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. */ package com.minto.app.task.manager; import com.github.pagehelper.PageInfo; import com.minto.app.task.dto.TaskPanelOutput; import com.minto.app.task.dto.TaskSummaryDto; import com.minto.bff.home.dto.GenericParam; import com.minto.tap.task.dto.TaskSummaryInfo; import com.minto.tip.affair.po.TipAffair; import com.minto.app.behavior.beans.BehSummaryBean; import com.minto.app.dm.beans.MatrixTableColumnDefinition; import com.minto.app.message.beans.MessageTypeBean; import com.minto.app.organization.beans.OrgPersonBean; import com.minto.app.organization.beans.OrgUnitBean; import com.minto.app.resource.beans.CommonResourceRelationBean; import com.minto.app.task.beans.*; import com.minto.app.task.bo.*; import com.minto.app.task.dto.SaveDraftParam; import com.minto.app.task.dto.TaskInfo; import com.minto.app.task.enums.TaskEnum; import com.minto.app.task.enums.TaskEnum.TaskMemberRelTypeEnum; import com.minto.app.task.enums.TaskEnum.TaskSummaryProgressStatusEnum; import com.minto.app.task.enums.TaskPhaseStateEnum; import com.minto.app.task.vo.*; import com.minto.tip.affair.enums.AffairEnum; import com.minto.app.space.beans.SpaceFileBean; import com.minto.app.tipenum.po.TipEnumBean; import com.minto.core.base.ListObject; import com.minto.tip.common.exceptions.BusinessException; import org.hibernate.criterion.Criterion; import org.springframework.lang.NonNull; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.*; public interface ITaskManager { /** * 获取指定任务下的所有子孙任务,包含自身 * @author inspired * @param superTaskId * @return */ List findAllTaskByParentId(Long superTaskId); /** * 根据任务名称查询对应资源id集合 (精准匹配 ,需要like) * @author inspired * @param titleStr 可以是多个 以(,|,)隔开 * @return ids */ List findTaskInfosByTitleStr(String titleStr); /** * 保存任务与矩阵数据的关联关系,关系不启用(启用了关系列表才能查到关联数据) * @author inspired * @param taskId * @param relTableId * @param relDataId * @throws BusinessException */ void saveTaskMatrixDataRel(Long taskId, Long relTableId, Long relDataId) throws BusinessException; /** * 保存任务与关联数据的关联关系,关系不启用(启用了关系列表才能查到关联数据) * @author inspired * @param taskId * @throws BusinessException */ void saveTaskLinkedData(Long taskId, SaveDraftParam param) throws BusinessException; /** * 启用任务与矩阵数据的关联关系(没有关联则会直接新建一条启用的数据关联) * @author inspired * @param taskId * @param relTableId * @param relDataId * @throws BusinessException */ void applyTaskMatrixDataRel(Long taskId, Long relTableId, Long relDataId) throws BusinessException; /** * 启用任务与关联数据的关联关系(没有关联则会直接新建一条启用的数据关联) * @param taskId * @param param * @throws BusinessException */ void applyTaskLinkedData(Long taskId, SaveDraftParam param) throws BusinessException; /** * 检查目标集组织对象在事项中是否有共享督办权限 * @author inspired * @param taskId * @param targetIds * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskSuperviseShare(Long taskId,List targetIds) throws BusinessException; Integer findTaskTypeMaxSort(Long accountId); /** * 更新事项状态和发消息 * @param summaryBean * @param memberBeanList * @param updateMembers * @throws BusinessException */ void updateStateAndSendMsg(TaskSummaryBean summaryBean, List memberBeanList, List updateMembers) throws BusinessException; /** * 处理子任务撤回 * @author inspired * @param summaryBean * @param updateMembers * @param updateSummaries * @param updateSummaryIds * @param managerRel * @throws BusinessException */ void processBackSubTasks(TaskSummaryBean summaryBean,List updateMembers, List updateSummaries,List updateSummaryIds, List managerRel) throws BusinessException; /** * @author inspired (胡启林) * @param * @describe 生成listColumn数据 * @createTime 2021/6/23 17:53 */ ListColumnBean addColumn2ListColumn(MatrixTableColumnDefinition field, Integer type) throws BusinessException; /** * @author inspired (胡启林) * @param * @describe 分类获取批量催办成员 * @createTime 2021/5/12 10:32 */ Map findAllUrgeByteType(Integer searchType) throws BusinessException; /** * @author inspired (胡启林) * @param * @describe 保存任务关联数据 * @createTime 2021/4/30 10:26 */ void saveTaskFileRelation(Map param) throws BusinessException; /** * @author inspired (胡启林) * @param * @describe 外来任务列表 * @createTime 2021/4/26 11:37 */ com.minto.tip.common.util.PageInfo findOutAccountTask(com.minto.tip.common.util.PageInfo info,Map param) throws BusinessException; /** * @author inspired (胡启林) * @param * @describe 获取单位顶级事项类型 * @createTime 2021/4/13 9:48 */ TaskTypeBean findRootTypeByAccountId(Long accountId); /** * @author inspired (胡启林) * @param * @describe 修改任务阶段 * @createTime 2021/4/6 17:10 */ Boolean updatePhaseByTaskId(Long taskId, Map param) throws BusinessException, SQLException, ParseException; /** * 根据任务获取某个汇报阶段的成员配置信息 */ List findTaskMPRCByMemberIdsAndReportConfigId(Long taskId,List memberIds,Long reportConfigId); /** * @author inspired (胡启林) * @param taskMemberPhaseReportConfig * @describe 组装成员汇报灯 * @createTime 2021/3/31 9:43 */ TaskPhaseStateEnum processTaskMemberPhaseReportConfig(TaskMemberPhaseReportConfig taskMemberPhaseReportConfig,TaskMemberBean memberBean) throws BusinessException; /** * @author inspired (胡启林) * @param tasks 任务 * @param subType {@link AffairEnum.SubTypeEnum} * @param pid * @describe 生成事项待办 * @createTime 2021/3/12 15:21 */ Integer saveTaskAffair(List tasks, Long pid) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据任务基本数据结构添加待办数据(新建时使用) * @author inspired * @param taskInfo {@link TaskInfo} * @return * @throws BusinessException */ void addTaskAffair(TaskInfo taskInfo) throws BusinessException; /** * 获取当前阶段 * @author inspired * @param * @return */ TaskPhase processCurrentTaskPhase(List taskPhases); /** * 根据大阶段里的汇报阶段获取当前汇报阶段;阶段里需要包含小阶段数据 * @author inspired * @param * @return */ TaskPhaseReportConfig processCurrentReportConfig(TaskPhase taskPhase); /** * @author inspired (胡启林) * @param * @describe 获取我督办的未完成的事项 * @createTime 2021/3/10 15:30 */ com.minto.tip.common.util.PageInfo findPageMySuperviseTasks(com.minto.tip.common.util.PageInfo info, Map param) throws BusinessException; /** * 获取不同状态任务数量任务 * @param param * @return */ List> findTaskCount(Map param) throws BusinessException; /** * @author inspired (胡启林) * @param * @describe 督办首页任务管理数据统计 * @createTime 2021/3/19 9:16 */ Map countAllTaskByTaskState(Map param) throws BusinessException; /** * 撤销汇总操作 * @author inspired * @param taskId * @param reportId * @throws BusinessException */ void processCollectReport(Long taskId,Long reportId) throws BusinessException; /** * 新首页任务管理统计 * @param param * @return * @throws BusinessException */ Map countAllTaskByTaskStateNew(Map param) throws BusinessException; List getTaskBehTypes(); /** * @author inspired (胡启林) * @param * @describe 督办事项统计 * @createTime 2020/12/15 18:38 */ Map countTaskByParam(Map param) throws BusinessException; com.minto.tip.common.util.PageInfo findAllTaskByParam(com.minto.tip.common.util.PageInfo info, Map param) throws BusinessException; /** * @author inspired (胡启林) * @param * @describe 督办首页饼图穿透数据列表 * @createTime 2021/4/21 19:41 */ com.minto.tip.common.util.PageInfo findSupervisionTaskByParam(com.minto.tip.common.util.PageInfo info, Map param) throws BusinessException; /** * @author inspired (胡启林) * @param * @describe 查询分管的事项 * @createTime 2020/12/15 10:07 */ com.minto.tip.common.util.PageInfo findPageInChargeByParam(com.minto.tip.common.util.PageInfo info, Map params); /** * 承办工作任务 * @author inspired * @param info * @param param * @return */ com.minto.tip.common.util.PageInfo findManagerTask4Param(com.minto.tip.common.util.PageInfo info, Map param) throws BusinessException; /** * 自定义查询承办事项 * @author inspired * @param param {"title":"","relationType":[],"tstate":[],"mstate":[],"accountId":"","year":2023,"taskTypeIds":[],"resourceIds":[]} * @return */ com.minto.tip.common.util.PageInfo findTask4Param(com.minto.tip.common.util.PageInfo info, Map param); /** * 根据状态获取任务数量 * @param params * @return */ Map findTaskCountByState(Map params); Integer countInChargeByParam(Map params) throws BusinessException; /** * @author inspired (胡启林) * @param * @describe 分页查询事项关注数据 领导关注跟我的关注 * @describe type : 1 我的关注 ; 2 领导关注 * @createTime 2020/12/11 11:29 */ com.minto.tip.common.util.PageInfo findPageFollowsByParams(com.minto.tip.common.util.PageInfo info,Map params); Integer findCountFollowsByParams(Map params); /** * @author inspired (胡启林) * @param taskTemplateId 模板名称 * @param extend 自定义数据 * @describe 根据任务模板id发布新的任务 * @createTime 2020/10/16 15:52 */ Long saveTaskForTaskTemplateId(Long taskTemplateId,Map extend); /** * 修改模板基本信息(节点任务使用) * @author inspired * @param param * @return 模板id * @throws BusinessException */ Map updateTaskTemplateInfo(Map param) throws BusinessException, ParseException, ReflectiveOperationException; Map saveTaskTemplateInfo(Map param) throws BusinessException, ParseException, ReflectiveOperationException; /** * @author inspired (胡启林) * @param templateIds * @describe 根据模板id查找下发的任务 * @createTime 2020/11/30 11:19 */ Boolean findUseFlagByTemplateIds(List templateIds); /**查询牵头单位及责任单位的完成时限扩展字段*/ Map findExtendDataByTaskId(Long taskId, String param) throws BusinessException; Boolean checkBasicExtendValueByTaskIdAndField() throws BusinessException; /**批量修改完成时限*/ Integer updateEndDataByTaskIds(List> params,Boolean editEndDate) throws BusinessException; /** * 修改单位 */ Integer updateTaskDataByParam(List> params) throws BusinessException; /** * @author inspired (胡启林) * @param taskIds * @param status {@link TaskSummaryProgressStatusEnum} * @describe 修改任务进度状态 * @createTime 2020/11/18 20:04 */ Integer updateTaskProcessStatus(List taskIds,Integer status); /** * 添加成员至指定任务,通用方法 * @param taskId * @param resourceType * @param resourceId * @param relationType * @param taskTypeBean * @return */ Long addTaskMemberInfo(Long taskId, Integer resourceType, Long resourceId, Integer relationType, TaskTypeBean taskTypeBean, String node); /** * @author inspired (胡启林) * @param * @describe 重大项目挂图督办处理地图数据 * @createTime 2019/10/9 10:04 */ List> processMapData(List> summaryList) throws BusinessException; /** * 返回经纬度数组 */ Double[] getAllAddrIpsByTaskId(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; public List findSubProcessBos(Long parentId, Long parentType) throws BusinessException; public void releaseTask(String ids) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询截止到当前时间时间进度刚好到一半的任务(时间差不得超过一分钟) * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskByHalfTImeProcess() throws BusinessException; /** * 根据事项状态和事项关联类型查询即将到期的事项数量 */ public Integer findTaskByHalfTImeProcessByCount(Long cid, Long pid, Integer[] states, Integer[] memberRelations) throws BusinessException; public List findTaskByHalfTImeProcessByCountList(Long cid, Long pid, Integer[] states, Integer[] memberRelations) throws BusinessException; public List findTaskByHalfTImeProcessByList(Long cid, Long pid, Long cuurentPid, Integer[] states, Integer[] memberRelations) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询截止到指定时间的到期任务 * @param endDate * @return * @throws BusinessException * @throws BusinessException */ public List findExpireTaskSummary(Date endDate, Map params) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询某时间段到期任务 * @param beginDate * @param endDate * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findExpireTaskSummary(Date beginDate, Date endDate, Map params) throws BusinessException; /** * 添加任务 * @param taskBO 任务bo对象 * @throws BusinessException */ public List addTask(TaskBO taskBO) throws BusinessException; public List findAllDepByType(Integer type) throws BusinessException; /** * 添加任务关联 * @param tid 任务id * @param perIds 人员id 必须和type的个数位置相同 * @param type 关联类型 参见枚举{@link TaskMemberRelTypeEnum} 必须和perIds的个数位置相同 * @param pid 当前人员id * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List addTaskMember(Long cid, Long tid, String[] perIds, Integer[] type, Long pid, String errorSaveDeptFlag) throws BusinessException; /** * 添加任务的动态信息 * @param processBO 任务处理信息 * @param isHide 是否隐藏 * @throws BusinessException */ public void addTaskProcess(TaskProcessBO processBO, Boolean isHide) throws BusinessException; /** * 添加任务汇报 * @param reportSummaries * @throws SQLException */ public void addTaskReportSummarys(TaskReportBO reportBO) throws BusinessException; /** * 更新任务公告 * @param taskId * @param notice * @param personId * @throws BusinessException */ public void addTaskNotice(Long taskId, String notice, Long personId) throws BusinessException; /** * 更新红旗标记 * @param taskIds 任务id * @param personId 人员id * @param redFlag 标记 * @throws BusinessException */ public void updateRedFlagByTaskIdAndPersonId(Long taskId, Long personId, Integer redFlag) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据任务id修改状态为 * @param ids 任务id * @param state 任务状态 TaskSummaryStateEnum * @param pid * @param isSys 是否是系统动作 * @throws BusinessException */ public void updateTaskSummaryStateById(Long id, Integer state, Long pid, Boolean isSys) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据任务id修改状态为 * @param ids 任务ids * @param state 任务状态 TaskSummaryStateEnum * @param pid * @param isSys 是否是系统动作 * @throws BusinessException */ public void updateTaskSummaryStateById(Long[] ids, Integer state, Long pid, Boolean isSys) throws BusinessException; /** * 更新任务成员信息 * @param taskMemberBeans * @throws SQLException */ public void updateTaskMemberReadDate(Long meberId, Date date) throws BusinessException; /** * 更新任务成员阅读时间 * @param meberId * @throws BusinessException */ public void updateTaskMemberReadDate(Long[] meberId) throws BusinessException; /** * 更新任务成员信息 * @param memberBeans * @throws BusinessException */ public void updateTaskMember(List memberBeans) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据id查找任务基本信息 查找任务 * @param id 任务id * @return 成功返回任务基本信息,否则null * @throws BusinessException */ public TaskSummaryBean findTaskSummaryBeanById(Long id) throws BusinessException; /** * 获取任务类型超时事项 * @param taskTypes 任务类型id * @throws BusinessException */ List findOverdueTaskByTaskType(List taskTypes) throws BusinessException, SQLException; /** * 检查当前人在当前事项中状态,进行汇报验证,如果事项已经办结,则无法汇报,如果成员被办结,则事项无法再次汇报 * @param id * @return * @throws BusinessException */ Map checkTaskAndMemberStatus(Long id)throws BusinessException; /** * 任务id查询TaskBO * @param id 任务id * @return 成功返回任务信息,否则null * @throws BusinessException * */ public TaskBO findTaskBOById(Long id) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据父id查询子任务 * @param parentId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskBOByParentId(Long parentId) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据各种复合条件查询任务动态 查询条件和{@link #findTaskProcess(String, String, String, Integer, Integer, String, String, Long, Long, Long, Integer, Integer) 一样} * @param doType * @param keyword * @param keywordShow * @param roleType * @param actionType * @param dateFrom * @param dateTo * @param cid * @param taskId * @param personId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ Integer countTaskProcess(String doType, String keyword, String keywordShow, Integer roleType, Integer actionType, String dateFrom, String dateTo, Long cid, Long taskId, Long personId) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据各种复合条件查询任务动态 * @param doType 查询表示 * @param keyword 人员id(key_id) * @param keywordShow 标题 * @param roleType 角色,参见枚举TaskMemberRelTypeEnum * @param actionType 查询动态的分类,参见枚举BehSummaryBehTypeEnum * @param dateFrom 开始时间 * @param dateTo 结束时间 * @param cid 单位id * @param taskId 任务id * @param personId 人员id * @param start 开始页码 * @param range 页大小 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public ListObject findTaskProcess(String doType, String keyword, String keywordShow, Integer roleType, Integer actionType, String dateFrom, String dateTo, Long cid, Long taskId, Long personId, Integer start, Integer range) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询任务列表 * @param redFlag 红旗标识,参见枚举TaskMemberRedFlag 全部(-1),只选红旗(TaskEnum.TaskMemberRedFlag.RedFlag) * @param doType 查询方式 标题(title),状态(state),时间范围(endDate),责任人(manager,暂未使用) * @param keyword 责任人的id 暂未使用 * @param keywordShow 任务标题 * @param dateFrom 开始时间 * @param dateTo 结束时间 * @param personId 当前人员id * @param memberRelTypes 任务member关联状态,参见TaskMemberBean的relationType字段,及TaskMemberRelTypeEnum枚举 全部(责任,关注,参与),责任,关注,参与 * @param states 任务summary的状态,参见TaskSummaryBean的tstate字段,及TaskSummaryStateEnum枚举 * @param tCategory 任务summary的类型,参见TaskSummaryBean的tcategory字段,及TaskSummaryTcategoryEnum枚举 * @param cid 单位id * @param start 开始页码 * @param pageSize 结束页码 * @return 任务列表 * @throws BusinessException */ public ListObject findTaskBos(Integer redFlag, String doType, String keyword, String keywordShow, String dateFrom, String dateTo, Long personId, Integer[] memberRelTypes, Integer[] states, Integer tCategory, Long cid, Integer start, Integer pageSize) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询任务列表 * @param redFlag 红旗标识,参见枚举TaskMemberRedFlag 全部(-1),只选红旗(TaskEnum.TaskMemberRedFlag.RedFlag) * @param doType 查询方式 标题(title),状态(state),时间范围(endDate),责任人(manager,暂未使用) * @param keyword 责任人的id 暂未使用 * @param keywordShow 任务标题 * @param dateFrom 开始时间 * @param dateTo 结束时间 * @param personId 当前人员id * @param memberRelTypes 任务member关联状态,参见TaskMemberBean的relationType字段,及TaskMemberRelTypeEnum枚举 全部(责任,关注,参与),责任,关注,参与 * @param states 任务summary的状态,参见TaskSummaryBean的tstate字段,及TaskSummaryStateEnum枚举 * @param tCategory 任务summary的类型,参见TaskSummaryBean的tcategory字段,及TaskSummaryTcategoryEnum枚举 * @param cid 单位id * @param currentPid 当前人员的id * @param pid 某人的id * @param start 开始页码 * @param pageSize 结束页码 * @return 任务列表 * @throws BusinessException */ public ListObject findTaskBos(Integer redFlag, String doType, String keyword, String keywordShow, String dateFrom, String dateTo, Long curentPid, Integer[] memberRelTypes, Integer[] states, Integer tCategory, Long cid, Long pid, Integer start, Integer pageSize) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询任务列表 * @param redFlag 红旗标识,参见枚举TaskMemberRedFlag 全部(-1),只选红旗(TaskEnum.TaskMemberRedFlag.RedFlag) * @param doType 查询方式 标题(title),状态(state),时间范围(endDate),责任人(manager,暂未使用) * @param keyword 责任人的id 暂未使用 * @param keywordShow 任务标题 * @param dateFrom 开始时间 * @param dateTo 结束时间 * @param personId 当前人员id * @param memberRelTypes 任务member关联状态,参见TaskMemberBean的relationType字段,及TaskMemberRelTypeEnum枚举 全部(责任,关注,参与),责任,关注,参与 * @param states 任务summary的状态,参见TaskSummaryBean的tstate字段,及TaskSummaryStateEnum枚举 * @param tCategory 任务summary的类型,参见TaskSummaryBean的tcategory字段,及TaskSummaryTcategoryEnum枚举 * @param cid 单位id * @param currentPid 当前人员的id * @param pid 某人的id * @param findState状态 * @param start 开始页码 * @param pageSize 结束页码 * @return 任务列表 * @throws BusinessException */ public ListObject findTaskBos(Integer redFlag, String doType, String keyword, String keywordShow, String dateFrom, String dateTo, Long curentPid, Integer[] memberRelTypes, Integer[] states, Integer tCategory, Long cid, Long pid, Integer findState, Integer start, Integer pageSize) throws BusinessException; public List findTaskListByIds(Long[] ids) throws BusinessException; /** * 任务id查询TaskBO * @param ids 任务id * @return 成功返回任务信息,否则null * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskBOByIds(Long[] ids) throws BusinessException; /** * @param ids * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskBOByIdsWithoutOrder(Long[] ids) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据任务id查询任务汇报 * @param taskIds * @param start * @param range * @return * @throws SQLException */ public ListObject findTaskReportSummaryByTaskId(Long taskId, Integer start, Integer range) throws BusinessException; /** * @param taskId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskReportBOByTaskId(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; /** * 任务id查询任务关联人员信息 * @param taskIds 任务ID * @return 成功返回任务信息,否则null * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskMembersByTaskId(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; /** * 任务id查询任务关联人员信息 * @param taskId 任务ID * @param includeDeleted 是否包含已删除的成员 * @return 成功返回任务成员信息,否则null * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskMembersByTaskId(Long taskId, boolean includeDeleted) throws BusinessException; /**包含已删除的成员*/ public List findAllTaskMembersByTaskId(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; /** * 任务taskId查询相关批示 * @param taskId 任务ID * @return 成功返回批示,否则null * @throws BusinessException */ public TaskProcessSummaryBean findTaskProcessBeansByTaskId(Long id) throws BusinessException; /** * @param taskId * @param memberType * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskMembersByTaskIdAndType(Long taskId, Integer memberType) throws BusinessException; public List findTaskMembersByTaskIdAndType(Long taskId, Integer[] memberType) throws BusinessException; public List findTaskMembersByTaskIdAndType(Long[] taskId, Integer[] memberType) throws BusinessException; public Map findIsErrorMemberByTaskIdAndType(String taskIds, Integer memberType) throws BusinessException; /** * 查找下级任务列表 * @param taskId 任务ID * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTasksOfNextLevel(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据标题查找任务 * @param cid 单位id * @param personId 人员id * @param memberRelTypes 任务人员关联类型 * @param title 标题 * @param start 分页起始位置,最小值>=0 * @param range 分页范围参数 * @return 返回查询到的任务信息列表对象,否则返回空列表对象:count=0,list.size()=0 * @throws BusinessException */ public ListObject findTaskBOsByMemberAndTitle(Long cid, Long personId, Integer[] memberRelTypes, String title, Integer start, Integer range) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据多个人员查询多个单位的任务 * @param cid 单位id * @param personId 人员id * @param memberRelTypes 任务人员关联类型 * @param title 标题 * @param category TODO * @param start 分页起始位置,最小值>=0 * @param range 分页范围参数 * @return 返回查询到的任务信息列表对象,否则返回空列表对象:count=0,list.size()=0 * @throws BusinessException */ public ListObject findTaskBOsByMemberAndTitle(Long[] cid, Long[] personId, Integer[] memberRelTypes, String title, Integer category, Integer start, Integer range) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据多个人员查询多个单位的任务 * @param cid 单位id * @param personId 人员id * @param memberRelTypes 任务人员关联类型 * @param title 标题 * @param category TODO * @param start 分页起始位置,最小值>=0 * @param range 分页范围参数 * @return 返回查询到的任务信息列表对象,否则返回空列表对象:count=0,list.size()=0 * @throws BusinessException */ public ListObject findTaskBOsByMemberAndTitle(Long[] cid, Long[] personId, Integer[] memberRelTypes, String title, Integer category, Integer taskState, Integer start, Integer range) throws BusinessException; /** * * 根据多个人员查询多个单位的任务 * @param cid 单位id * @param personId 人员id * @param memberRelTypes 任务人员关联类型 * @param title 标题 * @param category TODO * @param ids 事项id * @param start 分页起始位置,最小值>=0 * @param range 分页范围参数 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public ListObject findTaskBOsByMemberAndTitle(Long[] cid, Long[] personId, Integer[] memberRelTypes, String title, Integer category, Integer taskState, Long[] ids, Integer start, Integer range) throws BusinessException; public ListObject findTaskBOs(Long[] cid, Long[] personId, Integer[] memberRelTypes, String title, Integer category, Integer taskState, Long[] ids, Integer[] state, Long taskTypeId, Integer start, Integer range, String year, String sortFinishDate)throws BusinessException ; /** * 修改任务的正文 * @param taskId 任务的id * @param contentId 正文的id * @throws BusinessException */ public void updateContent(Long taskId, Long contentId) throws BusinessException; /** * 添加任务的附言 * @param taskPostscriptBO * @throws BusinessException */ public void addTaskPostscriptBo(TaskPostscriptBO taskPostscriptBO) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据单位id,时间查询所有任务 * @param orgId * @param startDate * @param endDate * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public int findTaskBOsByOrgIdAndDate(Long orgId, Date startDate, Date endDate) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据id查询任务动态 * @return List * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskProcessByIds(Long[] ids) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据processResourceId 查询 * @param taskId * @param processResourceId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskProcessByProResourceId(Long taskId , Long processResourceId)throws BusinessException; /** * 根据任务查询动态信息 * @param taskId 任务id * @param cid 单位id * @param start 页码 * @param pageSize 页大小 * @return ListObject * @throws BusinessException */ public ListObject findTaskProcessBeansByTaskId(Long taskId, Integer start, Integer pageSize) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据父id查询回复的留言 * @param parentIds * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskProcessByparentIds(Long[] parentIds) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据最后一次访问时间查询最新动态的条数 * @param taskId 任务id * @param lastDate 最后一次访问时间,参看TaskMember * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public Integer findTaskProcessNewestCount(Long taskId, Date lastDate) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据任务id和汇报id查询汇报信息 * @param taskId * @param reportId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public TaskReportBO findTaskReportBOByTaskIdAndReportId(Long taskId, Long reportId) throws BusinessException; /** * * @param personId * @param roles * @param title * @param important * @param ucgency * @param onlyFlag * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskIdsByCri(Long cid, Long personId, Integer[] roles, String title, Integer important, Integer ucgency, Boolean onlyFlag, Integer tCategory, Integer[] taskStates, Long[] ids) throws BusinessException; /** * 查找正在进行中的红旗任务 * @param personId * @param cid * @param ids * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findRedFlagTaskOfRecent(Long cid, Long personId, List ids) throws BusinessException; /** * 批量添加留言关系表 * @param relationBeans * @throws BusinessException */ public void addTaskProcessRelation(List relationBeans) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据任务id和留言id查询留言关系 * @param taskId * @param processId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskProcessRelationByProcessIdAndTaskId(Long taskId, Long processId) throws BusinessException; /** * 删除任务下面指定人员的关联信息 * @param beans * @throws BusinessException */ public void deleteTaskMemberByTaskIdAndPersonIds(List beans) throws BusinessException; public void deleteTaskMembers(List beans) throws BusinessException; /** * 添加和删除指定的关联 * @param cid * @param tid * @param addPersons * @param types * @param pid * @param deletePerson * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List addAndDeleteTaskMemberBean(Long cid, Long tid, String[] addPersons, Integer[] types, Long pid, Long[] deletePersons, Integer type) throws BusinessException; public void updateTaskSummary(TaskSummaryBean summerBean) throws BusinessException; /** * 添加任务委托 * @param deputeBeans * @throws BusinessException */ // public void addTaskDepute(List deputeBeans) throws ModuleException; // /** // * 修改委托任务状态 // * @param resouceIds 任务id // * @param targetIds 被委托人的id // * @param dstate 状态 0未删除,1删除 // * @throws ModuleException // */ // public void updateTaskDeputeState(Long[] resouceIds, Long[] targetIds , Integer dstate) throws ModuleException; /** * 添加任务委托 * @param pids 被委托的人,格式为:type_id ,如(100003_123456789) * @param endDate 被委托的结束时间 * @param description 描述 * @param pid 当前登陆人的id * @param taskId 任务id * @throws BusinessException */ public void addTaskDepute(Long[] pids, String endDate, String description, Long pid, Long taskId, Long cid) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据任务id查询TaskDeputeBean * @param taskId * @param cid * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public TaskDeputeBean findTaskDeputeByResouceId(Long taskId, Long cid) throws BusinessException; /** * @param cid 圈子ID * @param ids ID取值范围 * @return 圈子最近发布的公告 * @throws BusinessException */ public List findNoticeTaskOfRecent(Long cid, List ids) throws BusinessException; /** * 管理员删除人员或审核不通过时处理人员作为负责人的任务 * 1. 是任务责任人但不是创建人,将任务委托给任务创建人 * 2. 是任务责任人又是创建人,将任务委托给任务参与人 * @param perIds 人员ID列表 * @throws BusinessException */ public void handleTaskWithDelMember(Long[] perIds) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据人员id和单位id,查询所有委托给我事项id * @param cid 单位id * @param personId 人员id * @return 事项id集合 * @throws BusinessException */ public List getTaskDeputTaskIds(Long cid, Long personId) throws BusinessException; /** * 分享任务到其他圈子 * @param taskId 要分享的任务 * @param cid 目标圈子的ID * @throws BusinessException */ public void shareTask(Long taskId, Long cid) throws BusinessException; /** * 分享任务到其他圈子 * @param taskId * @param cid * @param title * @param taskRelationType * @param labels * @param iconId * @throws BusinessException */ public void shareTask(Long taskId, Long cid, String title, Integer taskRelationType, String labels, Long iconId) throws BusinessException; /** * 统计任务条数 * @param pid 人员id * @param cid 单位id * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public Integer findTaskCount(Long pid, Long pid2, Long cid, Integer[] states, Integer findState, Date startDate, Date endDate,Integer[] progressState) throws BusinessException; public Integer findTaskCount(Long pid, Long pid2, Long cid, Integer[] states, Integer findState,Integer[] progressState) throws BusinessException; /** * * @param pid * @param pid2 * @param cid * @param states * @param findState * @param startDate * @param endDate * @param start TODO * @param pageSize TODO * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public ListObject findTaskCountByList(Long pid, Long pid2, Long cid, Integer[] states, Integer findState, Date startDate, Date endDate, Integer start, Integer pageSize,Integer[] progressState) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据多个人员和查询标志,返回多个人员的事项数量 * @param ids 人员id数组 * @param TaskFindTypeEnum 参考枚举{@link TaskEnum.TaskFindTypeEnum} * @return Map key为人员id,value为事项数量 * @throws BusinessException */ public Map findTaskByCount(Long[] ids, Integer TaskFindTypeEnum) throws BusinessException; /** * 提供给移动端查询事项 * @param findState * @param pid * @param cid * @param type * @param title * @param start * @param pageSize * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public ListObject findTaskByExtends(Integer findState, Long pid, Long cid, Integer type, String title, Integer start, Integer pageSize) throws BusinessException; /** * * findTask(查询公共圈子分享) * @param relationType 分类枚举 * @param themeLabel 标签名称(模糊查询) * @param title 分享标题(模糊查询) * @param createDate 创建时间 * @param start 页下标 * @param pageSize 条数 * @return ListObject * @throws BusinessException *ListObject * @exception * @since 1.0.0 */ public ListObject findTaskShare(Integer relationType, String themeLabel, String title, Date createDate, Integer start, Integer pageSize) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据id查询事项分享 * @param id * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public TaskShareBean findTaskShareById(Long id) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据某人资源查询条数 * @param id * @param targetType * @param targetId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public Integer findTaskShareCount(Long id, Integer targetType, Long targetId) throws BusinessException; /** * 修改任务分享实体 * @param shareBean * @throws BusinessException */ public void updateTaskShare(TaskShareBean shareBean) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据分页查询分享 * @param start * @param findCount * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public ListObject findTaskShareByHot(Integer start, Integer findCount) throws BusinessException; public ListObject findTaskShareByRecommend(Long sourceId, Integer start, Integer findCount) throws BusinessException; public ListObject findTaskShareByHot(Long sourceId, Integer start, Integer findCount) throws BusinessException; /** * 修改事项属性 * @param taskId * @param nowAttrBean * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List updateTaskAttr(Long taskId, TaskAttrBean nowAttrBean) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据单位查询接收消息的事项 * @param cid * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskByReceiveMsg() throws BusinessException; List findTaskAttrByReceiveMsg() throws BusinessException; public void clearTaskReceiveMsgState(Long[] ids) throws BusinessException; public void clearTaskReceiveMsgState(List ids) throws BusinessException; public ListObject findTaskProcessBosByTaskId(Long taskId, Integer start, Integer pageSize) throws BusinessException; /** * 添加事项评价 * 时间,评论ID,评论状态都被写了 * @param taskAssess 事项评价对象 * @throws BusinessException */ public void addTaskAssess(TaskAssessBean taskAssess) throws BusinessException; /**注意:在调用这个方法前要进行判断taskId!=null&&assessPersonId!=null&&assessPersonEdId!=null * ,否则不能判断是否评论1 * 通过对事项评价taskId, assessPersonId,assessPersonEdId他们间的and关系查找 * @param * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskSummaryBeansWithoutOrder(Long[] ids) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据部门id查询责任人是当前部门的任务 * @param deptId 部门id * @param start 分页起始位置,最小值>=0 * @param range 分页范围参数 * @return 返回查询到的任务信息列表对象,否则返回空列表对象:count=0,list.size()=0 * @throws BusinessException */ public ListObject findTaskBOsByDeptId(Long deptId, Integer start, Integer range) throws BusinessException; public List findTaskAssessBean(Long taskId, Long assessPersonId, Long assessPersonEdId) throws BusinessException; /** * 通过对事项评价taskId, assessPersonEdId他们间的and关系查找 * 得出这件事,这人被那些人评论过评论了那些人 * @param * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskAssessList1(Long taskId, Long assessPersonEdId) throws BusinessException; /** * 通过对事项评价两个Id,他们间的and关系查找 * 得出这件事,这人被那些人评论过评论了那些人 * @param id1 * @param value1:id1的属性名 * @param id2 * @param value2:id2的属性名 * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskAssessList(Long id1, String value1, Long id2, String value2) throws BusinessException; /** * 通过id来删除 * @param * @throws BusinessException */ public void deleteTaskAssessById(Long id) throws BusinessException; /** * * @param value为属性的字段名,查询平均 * @throws BusinessException */ public Double findTaskAssessListAvg(Long id1, String value1, Long id2, String value2, String value) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据部门id查询部门所有和我相关的事项(缺省排除结束的事项) * @param departmentId * @param pid * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskByDepartment(Long departmentId, Long pid) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据部门id查询部门所有和我相关的事项(缺省排除结束的事项) * @param departmentId * @param pid * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskByDepartmentByPage(Long departmentId, Long pid, Integer start, Integer range) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据指定人查询和我相光的事项(缺省排除结束的事项) * @param targetPid * @param pid * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskByPersonTogether(Long targetPid, Long pid, Integer start, Integer range) throws BusinessException; /** * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskSummaryBeans(Long[] ids) throws BusinessException; public ListObject findTaskSummaryBeans(Long[] ids, Integer start, Integer range) throws BusinessException; /** * 撤销任务 * @param taskId * @param perId 当前登录人ID * @throws BusinessException */ public void cancleTask(Long taskId, Long perId, Long cid) throws BusinessException; /** * @param memberId * @throws BusinessException */ public TaskMemberBean findTaskMemberById(Long memberId) throws BusinessException; public List findTaskMemberByParentId(Long parentMemberId) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询出所有的taskMember * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findAllTaskMember() throws BusinessException; /** * 用于指派任务给他人 * @param cid * @param tid * @param perIds * @param type * @param pid * @param isDepute 是否是被委托 * @param parentId 委托的member ID * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List addTaskMember(Long cid, Long tid, Long[] perIds, Integer[] type, Long pid, Boolean isDepute, Long parentId) throws BusinessException; /** * 转发事项 * @param pid * @param cid * @param taskId * @param supervisePersonId 督办人,格式为100003_1000000001 * @param managerPersonId 责任人,格式为100003_1000000001 * @param participantPersonId 参与人,格式为100003_1000000001 * @param title 转发的标题 * @param description 留言 * @throws BusinessException */ public Long forwardTask(Long pid, Long cid, Long taskId, String supervisePersonId, String managerPersonId, String participantPersonId, String title, String description) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据taskIds查询List * @param taskIds * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskMembersByTaskIds(List taskIds) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据taskIds查询成员集合 * @param taskIds 事项ID * @param includeDeleted 是否包含被删除的成员 * @return 成员集合 * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskMembersByTaskIds(List taskIds, boolean includeDeleted) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据orgPersonIdsByBeans查询事项数量,包含所有参与的 * @param orgPersonIdsByBeans 人员id集合 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ //public Integer findTaskCountByPersonIds(List orgPersonIdsByBeans, String startDate, String endDate) throws ModuleException; /** * 根据orgPersonIdsByBeans查询超期数量,包含超期和超期完成 * @param orgPersonIdsByBeans 人员id集合 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ //public Integer findOverdueTaskCountByPersonIds(List orgPersonIdsByBeans, String startDate, String endDate) throws ModuleException; //保存,更新 /** * 保存催办 * @param pid 催办人id * @param memberId taskMemberId * @param taskId 事项id * @param content 内容 * @param cid 单位id * @throws BusinessException */ public void addTaskRemind(Long pid, Long memberId, Long taskId, String content, Long cid) throws BusinessException; /** * 保存任务意见信息 * 2016-5-7 上午11:14:39 * * 增加返回值 * modify by huzy 2017/9/22 上午11:54 * addTaskOption * @param pid 创建人id * @param taskId 任务id * @param content 内容 * @param cid 单位id * @param type 意见类型 * @param sendMsg 是否发送短信 * @param recevice 短信接收人 * @param files TODO * @throws BusinessException *void * @exception * @since 2.0 */ public Long addTaskOption(Long pid, Long taskId, String content, Long cid , Integer type , Boolean sendMsg , String recevice, String[] files) throws BusinessException; /** * 处理催办 * @param taskRemindId 催办id * @param state 状态,参考枚举 * @param content 内容 * @param reportId 汇报id * @throws BusinessException */ public void handleTaskRemind(Long taskRemindId, String content, Long reportId, Long pid) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据memberId查询所有状态的催办记录 * @param memberId * @param start 分页参数 * @param range 分页参数 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public ListObject findTaskRemindMember(Long memberId, Integer start, Integer range) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据memberId查询所有状态的催办条数 * @param memberId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public Integer findTaskRemindMemberCount(Long memberId) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据memberId和state查询催办记录 * @param memberId * @param state * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskRemindMemberByState(Long memberId, Integer state) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据memberIds查询催办记录 * 2015-10-8 下午5:51:46 * * findTaskRemindMemberByState * @param memberIds * @param state * @return * @throws BusinessException *List * @exception * @since 1.0.0 */ public List findTaskRemindMemberByState(List memberIds, Integer state) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据memberId和state查询催办记录条数 * @param memberId * @param state * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public Integer findTaskRemindMemberByStateCount(Long memberId, Integer state) throws BusinessException; /** * 查找所有的催办信息 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskRemindMember() throws BusinessException; /** * 根据memberIds和state查询催办记录条数 * 2015-10-8 下午5:59:22 * * findTaskRemindMemberByStateCount * @param memberIds * @param state * @return * @throws BusinessException *Integer * @exception * @since 1.0.0 */ public Integer findTaskRemindMemberByStateCount(List memberIds, Integer state) throws BusinessException; /** * * 2015-9-25 上午10:33:15 * 根据taskProcessSummaryId查询TaskProcessBO * findTaskProcessBOById * @param taskProcessSummaryId * @return * @throws BusinessException *TaskProcessBO * @exception * @since 1.0.0 */ public TaskProcessBO findTaskProcessBOById(Long taskProcessSummaryId) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据taskId和pid查询事项动态 * 2015-9-29 下午3:23:00 * * findTaskProcessBeansByTaskId * @param taskId 事项id * @param pid 人员 * @return * @throws BusinessException *TaskProcessSummaryBean * @exception * @since 1.0.0 */ public TaskProcessSummaryBean findTaskProcessBeansByTaskId(Long taskId, Long pid) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据任务ID和reportId * 查询留言信息 * memberID * @param taskId * @param pid * @param reportId * @return */ public TaskProcessSummaryBean findTaskProcessBeansByTaskIdAndReportId(Long taskId, Long pid,Long reportId) throws BusinessException; /** * @author inspired (胡启林) * @param * @describe 根据任务ID和reportId查对应阶段的汇报留言 * @createTime 2021/6/4 10:06 */ public TaskProcessSummaryBean findTaskProcessByTaskIdAndReportIdAndPhaseId(Long taskId, Long pid,Long reportId,Long phaseId) throws BusinessException; public TaskProcessSummaryBean findTaskProcessBeansByReportId(Long reportId) throws BusinessException; public TaskProcessSummaryBean findTaskProcessBeanByReportIdAndPhaseId(Long reportId,Long phaseId) throws BusinessException; public List findTaskProcessBeanByReportIdAndPhaseId(Long taskId,Long reportId,Long phaseId) throws BusinessException; public TaskProcessSummaryBean findTaskProcessSummaryById(Long id) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据任务ID和memberID * 查询主办或协办信息 * memberID * @param taskId * @param memberId * @param startIndex * @param range * @return */ public ListObject findTaskReportSummaryByTaskIdAndMemberId(Long taskId, Long memberId, int startIndex, int range) throws BusinessException; /** * 查找任务最新进度汇报的时间 * 用于任务时间视图展示超期的时间段 * @param taskIds 任务ID * @return {@code Map<任务ID, 汇报的时间>} * @throws SQLException */ public Map findLatestUpdateDateOfTask(List taskIds) throws BusinessException; /** * zhangzy * @param tid * @param key * @param faildtime */ public void updateTaskReportSummaryBytaskIdAndMembrId(Long id, int key, Date faildtime) throws BusinessException; /** * zhangzy * 保存打回信息 * @param tbm */ public void saveTaskBackMessage(TaskBackMessageBean tbm) throws BusinessException; /** * zhangzy * @param taskId * @param memeberId * @param did * @param i * @param j * @return */ public ListObject findTaskReportSummaryByTaskIdAndMemberIdDid(Long taskId, Long memeberId, Long did, int i, int j) throws BusinessException; /** * zhangzy * @param reportBO * @param ismanager */ public void addTaskReportSummarys(TaskReportBO reportBO, boolean ismanager) throws BusinessException; /** * 单位下最新的一条汇报记录 * zhangzy * @param taskId * @param did * @param i * @param j * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public ListObject findTaskReportSummaryByTaskIdAndDid(Long taskId, Long did, int i, int j) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据汇报ID 查询对应打回记录 * @param id * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findtaskbackmessageByTaskreportId(Long id) throws BusinessException; /** * @param taskId * @return 当前任务根据member组合最新的进度汇报情况 * @throws SQLException */ public List findLastestReportByTaskId(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; /** * @param taskId * @return 事项中按照单位统计的进度情况 * @throws BusinessException */ public List> getTaskReportStatics(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据tasskId和pids查询汇报 * 2016-1-26 下午2:44:20 * * findTaskReportBosByTaskIdAndPids * @param taskId * @param pids * @return * @throws BusinessException *List * @exception * @since 2.0 */ public List findTaskReportBosByTaskIdAndPids(Long taskId, Long[] pids) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据taskId和taskMemberIdsByBeans查询催办记录 * 2016-1-26 下午4:58:23 * * findTaskRemindMember * @param taskId * @param taskMemberIdsByBeans * @return * @throws BusinessException *List * @exception * @since 2.0 */ public Integer findTaskRemindMember(Long taskId, List taskMemberIdsByBeans) throws BusinessException; /** * 添加汇报审核信息 * 2016-3-8 下午5:58:45 * * addTaskReportMemberBeans * @param reportMembersBeans * @throws BusinessException *void * @exception * @since 2.0 */ public void addTaskReportMemberBeans(List reportMembersBeans) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据事项id和人员id查询未处理的汇报审批 * 2016-3-8 下午8:06:09 * * findTaskReportMemberBeans * @param taskId * @param personId * @return * @throws BusinessException *List * @exception * @since 2.0 */ public List findTaskReportMemberBeans(Long taskId, Long personId) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据taskId和examine状态查询未审核或者已审核的汇报审批 * 2016-3-26 下午2:15:54 * * findTaskReportMemberBeans * @param taskId * @param personId * @return * @throws BusinessException *List * @exception * @since 2.0 */ public List findTaskReportMemberBeans(Long taskId, Integer examine) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据reportMemberId查询bean * 2016-3-9 下午8:17:30 * * findTaskReportMemberById * @param reportMemberId * @return * @throws BusinessException *TaskReportMemberBean * @exception * @since 2.0 */ public TaskReportMemberBean findTaskReportMemberById(Long reportMemberId)throws BusinessException; /** * * 2016-3-9 下午8:17:34 * 根据taskReportId查询bo * findTaskReportBo * @param taskReportId * @return * @throws BusinessException *TaskReportBO * @exception * @since 2.0 */ public TaskReportBO findTaskReportBo(Long taskReportId) throws BusinessException; /** * 处理汇报审核 * 2016-3-10 下午6:45:59 * * handleTaskReport * @param reportMemberId * @param option * @param state * @param pid * @param leaderManager TODO * @param memberType TODO * @throws BusinessException *void * @exception * @since 2.0 */ public void handleTaskReport(Long reportMemberId, String option, Integer state, Long pid, String leaderManager, Integer memberType) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据条件查询汇报审批记录 * 2016-3-10 下午8:01:19 * * findTaskReportMemberBeans * @param taskId 事项id * @param personId 人员id * @param state 0代表未查看,1代表已查看 * @return * @throws BusinessException *List * @exception * @since 2.0 */ public List findTaskReportMemberBeans(Long taskId, Long personId, Integer state) throws BusinessException; /** * 添加汇报的审批 * 2016-3-14 下午2:13:36 * * addTaskReportExamine * @param reportBO * @param * @param colIds TODO * @throws BusinessException *void * @exception * @since 2.0 */ public void addTaskReportExamine(TaskReportBO reportBO , Integer state , Integer process, String sendColType, String colIds) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据事项id和汇报id查询汇报审批记录 * 2016-3-15 下午4:23:36 * * findTaskReportMemberBean * @param l 任务id * @param m 汇报的id * @return * @throws BusinessException *TaskReportMemberBean * @exception * @since 2.0 */ public TaskReportMemberBean findTaskReportMemberBean(Long l, Long m) throws BusinessException; public List findTaskAttr(Long cid, Integer taskCategory) throws BusinessException; // ---任务类型管理 /** * 新增任务类别或来源 * * @param taskType * @throws BusinessException */ public void addTaskType(TaskTypeBean taskType) throws BusinessException; /** * 批量新增任务类别 * @param taskTypeBeans * @param account * @throws BusinessException */ void addTaskTypes(List taskTypeBeans, OrgUnitBean account) throws BusinessException; /** * 更新任务类型或来源 * * @param taskType * @throws BusinessException */ public void updateTaskType(TaskTypeBean taskType) throws BusinessException; /** * 批量更新任务类型或来源 * * @param taskType * @throws BusinessException */ void updateTaskTypes(List taskType) throws BusinessException; /** * @param ids * @param status * @throws BusinessException */ public void updateTaskTypeStatus(Long[] ids, Integer status) throws BusinessException; /** * 在缓存中查找指定id数组任务类型下是否存在子任务类型 * @param ids * @return true:存在 false:不存在 */ public boolean findIsChildTaskType(Long[] ids) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据类型Id更新该类型的使用范围 * @param ids * @param users * @throws BusinessException */ public void updateTaskTypeUsers(Long[] ids, String users) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据任务类型id查询任务类型 * * @param id * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public TaskTypeBean findTaskTypeBean(Long id) throws BusinessException; /** * 获取回报情况 * @param tasktype_id * @return 指标总数及未汇报数量 */ Map getReportNum(String tasktype_id) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据任务remark查询任务类型 * * @param remark * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public TaskTypeBean findTaskTypeBeanByRemark(String remark,Long accountId) throws BusinessException; TaskTypeBean findTaskTypeByNameAndPName(String name, String parentName, Long accountId) throws BusinessException; /** * @author inspired (胡启林) * @param subType {@link TaskEnum.TaskTypeSub} * @describe 根据subType查询所有类型 * @createTime 2020/11/26 16:44 */ public List findTaskTypeBeansBySubType(Integer subType,Long accountId) throws BusinessException; public List findTaskTypeBeansBySubTypes(List subTypes,Long accountId) throws BusinessException; /** * @param subType {@link TaskEnum.TaskTypeSub} * @describe 根据subType查询所有类型,针对前端树的生成 * @createTime 2021/2/25 * @return */ public List> findTaskTypeBeansBySubTypeForZtree(Integer subType) throws BusinessException; List> findTaskTypebeansBySubTypeAndRourcetype(Integer subType,Integer rouceType)throws BusinessException; /** * @author inspired (胡启林) * @param * @describe 获取能够参与统计的督办类型 * @createTime 2021/1/25 14:57 */ public List findCanCountTaskTypeBeans(Long accountId) throws BusinessException; /** * @author inspired (胡启林) * @param * @describe 获取专项工作任务类型 * @createTime 2020/12/30 11:30 */ public List findSpecificWorkTaskTypeBeans() throws BusinessException; /** * 根据任务类型id查询任务类型 * * @param id * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List> findTaskTypeBeanList(Long id) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据任务类型id查询任务类型 * @param ids * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskTypeBean(Collection ids)throws BusinessException; /** * 根据单位id和子类别查询任务类型或来源 * * @param cid * @param resourceType TODO * @param subType * @param status * TODO * @param start * TODO * @param range * TODO * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public ListObject findTaskType(Long cid, Integer resourceType, Integer subType, Integer status, Integer start, Integer range,Long accountId) throws BusinessException; List findtasktypeByKeyProject(Integer isKeyProject) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据id查询子类型 * @param parentId * @param resourceType TODO * @param subType TODO * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public ListObject findTaskTypesByParentId(Long parentId,Integer resourceType, Integer subType, Integer start, Integer range,Long accountId) throws BusinessException; /** * @author inspired (胡启林) * @param taskTypeId * @param start * @param range * @describe 根据任务类型分页查询任务模板 * @createTime 2020/10/14 16:40 */ public ListObject findTaskTemplateByTaskTypeId(Long taskTypeId, Integer start, Integer range) throws BusinessException, SQLException; /** * 查询单位的所有任务类型和来源 * * @param cid * @param status * TODO * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskTypes(Long cid, Integer status,Long accountId) throws BusinessException; /** * @param cid * @param resourceType TODO * @param subType * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskTypes(Long cid, Integer resourceType, Integer subType, Integer status,Long accountId) throws BusinessException; /** * @param cid * @param resourceType * @param subType * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskTypes(Long cid, Integer resourceType, Integer subType,Long accountId)throws BusinessException; /** * @param cid 单位id * @param personId 人员id * @param resourceType 资源ID:任务、会议等 * @param subType 来源-2,类型-1 * @param status TaskEnum.TaskTypeStatus * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskTypes(Long cid,Long personId, Integer resourceType, Integer subType, Integer status,Long accountId) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据taskId查询所有文件 * 2016-5-24 上午10:50:05 * * findTaskFilesById * @param taskId 事项id * @return * @throws BusinessException *List * @exception * @since 2.0 */ public List findTaskFilesById(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; /** * 增加问题 * @param taskProblemBean * @throws SQLException */ public void addTaskProblem(TaskProblemBean taskProblemBean) throws BusinessException; /** * 更新问题 * @param taskProblemBean * @throws SQLException */ public void updateTaskProblem(TaskProblemBean taskProblemBean) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据id查询问题 * @param id * @return TODO * @throws BusinessException */ public TaskProblemBean findTaskProblemById(Long id) throws BusinessException; /** * 添加签收处理意见 * 2016-6-16 下午2:59:26 * * addTaskReceiveMemberBean * @param receiveMemberBean * @param leanderManager TODO * @return * @throws BusinessException *TaskReceiveMemberBean * @exception * @since 2.0 */ public void addTaskexamineByReceive(TaskExamineMemberBean receiveMemberBean, String leanderManager) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据taskExaminId查询实体 * 2016-6-17 下午5:15:16 * * findTaskExamineBeanById * @param taskExaminId * @return *TaskExamineMemberBean * @exception * @since 2.0 */ public TaskExamineMemberBean findTaskExamineBeanById(Long taskExaminId) throws BusinessException; /** * 退回审核 * 2016-6-17 下午5:15:48 * * submitTaskReceiveExamine * @param taskExamineMemberBean * @param manager * @param startDate TODO * @param endDate TODO * @throws BusinessException *void * @exception * @since 2.0 */ public void submitTaskReceiveExamine(TaskExamineMemberBean taskExamineMemberBean, String manager, String startDate, String endDate) throws BusinessException; /** * 领导任务审核 * 2016-6-20 下午1:35:18 * * submitTaskExamine * @param taskExamineMemberBean * @param difficulty * @throws BusinessException *void * @exception * @since 2.0 */ public void submitTaskExamine(TaskExamineMemberBean taskExamineMemberBean, String difficulty) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询我提交的签收处理 * 2016-6-21 上午11:02:44 * * findTaskExamineBeansBySubmitRecevice * @param personId * @param memberId * @param taskId * @return * @throws BusinessException *List * @exception * @since 2.0 */ public List findTaskExamineBeansBySubmitRecevice(Long personId, Long memberId, Long taskId) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询我待审核的退回 * 2016-6-21 上午11:03:41 * * findTaskExamineBeansByWaitRecevice * @param personId * @param memberId * @param taskId * @return * @throws BusinessException *List * @exception * @since 2.0 */ public List findTaskExamineBeansByWaitRecevice(Long personId, Long memberId, Long taskId) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询我提交的领导审核 * 2016-6-21 上午11:31:57 * * findTaskExamineBeansByLeader * @param personId * @param memberId * @param taskId * @return * @throws BusinessException *List * @exception * @since 2.0 */ public List findTaskExamineBeansByLeader(Long personId, Long memberId, Long taskId) throws BusinessException; /** * * 2016-6-21 上午11:32:08 * 查询我待审核的任务 * findTaskExamineBeansByWaitLeader * @param personId * @param memberId * @param taskId * @return * @throws BusinessException *List * @exception * @since 2.0 */ public List findTaskExamineBeansByWaitLeader(Long personId, Long memberId, Long taskId) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询任务所有签收的实体 * 2016-6-21 下午5:37:09 * * findTaskIsRecevice * @param taskId * @return * @throws BusinessException *List * @exception * @since 2.0 */ public List findTaskIsRecevice(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; public List findTaskIsLeader(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; public List findTaskRemindMemberByTaskId(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; /** * 替换任务的member * @param taskId * @param selectType * @param person * @param pid TODO * @throws BusinessException */ public void updateTaskMember(Long taskId, Integer selectType, String person, Long pid) throws BusinessException; public void addTaskScroeMember(TaskScoreMemberBean scoreMemberBean) throws BusinessException; public TaskScoreMemberBean findTaskScoreMemberBean(Long id) throws BusinessException; public void submitTaskScoreHandle(Long taskScoreMemberId , Integer leaderScore , Long pid , String option) throws BusinessException; public TaskScoreMemberBean findTaskScoreMemberBeanByLastTime(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; public void updateTaskScoreMemberBean(TaskScoreMemberBean scoreMemberBean) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询事项领导未处理的审批 * 2016-7-13 上午12:34:00 * * findTaskIsLeaderNoSubmit * @param taskId * @return * @throws BusinessException *List * @exception * @since 2.0 */ public List findTaskIsLeaderNoSubmit(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据taskId查询所有签收的实体,包含已经处理过的签收 * 2016-7-13 下午2:43:59 * * findTaskIsAllRecevice * @param taskId * @return * @throws BusinessException *List * @exception * @since 2.0 */ public List findTaskIsAllRecevice(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询所有领导审批 * 2016-7-13 下午3:14:52 * * findTaskExamineBeansByAllLeader * @param personId * @param memberId * @param taskId * @return * @throws BusinessException *List * @exception * @since 2.0 */ public List findTaskExamineBeansByAllLeader(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; public List findTaskExamineBeans(Criterion c) throws BusinessException; public List findTaskReportMemberBeans(Criterion c) throws BusinessException; public List findTaskScoreMemberBeans(Criterion c) throws BusinessException; public List findTaskScoreMemberBeansByTaskId(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据人员id查询所有任务 * @param personId * @param cid TODO * @param relTypes TODO * @param redFlag TODO * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTasksByPersonId(Long personId, Long cid, Integer[] relTypes, Integer[] redFlag) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据人员ID查询所有事项ID * @param deparIds * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskMembersByResourceIds(List deparIds) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据tcode查询所有事项 * @param tcode * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskSummaryByTcode(String tcode); /** * 根据组织id查询所有事项ID * @param deparIds * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskMembersByResourceIds(List orgIds,Integer[] relTypes) throws BusinessException; /** * @param taskId * @param orgIds * @param relTypes * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskMembersByResourceIds(Long taskId, List orgIds,Integer[] relTypes) throws BusinessException; /** * 指定事项阶段汇总数据 * @author inspired * @param taskId * @param phaseId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskCollectReports(Long taskId,Long phaseId) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询承办单位未签收的人员名称 * @param taskId * @param orgIds * @param relTypes * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public String[] findUnreceiptedManagerTaskMembersByResourceIds(Long taskId, List orgIds,Integer[] relTypes) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询距离当前时间最接近的3条数据 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public ListObject findTaskSummaryBeansByCreateDate(Date createdate,Integer pageSize ,Integer start) throws BusinessException; /** * 统计事项各状态数量 * @param key * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public int countTaskSummaryByTstate(int key) throws BusinessException; /** * 通过父类来源获取子类来源数据 * @param from * @param taskYear * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List> findTaskSubFromByFrom(Long from, String taskYear) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据人员和状态查询任务条数 * @param personId * @param state * @param memberRel * @return */ public Integer findTaskCountByPerson(Long cid,Long personId,Integer[] state,Integer memberRel) throws BusinessException; /** * * @param pid 用户id * @return 通过用户id查询相关事项 */ public List findTaskByPersonId(Long pid,Integer memberRelType); //----------------------------------20161018------------------------------------------------ /** * 根据单位查询任务 * @param cid 单位id * @param from 创建时间 * @param to 创建时间 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTasksByCid(Long cid,Date from,Date to)throws BusinessException; /** * @param personId 人员id * @param from 创建时间 * @param to 创建时间 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTasksByDept(Long[] deptId,Date from,Date to)throws BusinessException; /** * @param personId 人员id * @param from 创建时间 * @param to 创建时间 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTasksByPer(Long[] personId,Date from,Date to)throws BusinessException; /** * 根据任务id查询催办记录 * @param taskIds * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskRemindMemberByTaskId(Long[] taskIds)throws BusinessException; /** * 根据任务Id删除任务 * @param ids * @throws BusinessException */ public void deleteTaskById(Long[] ids)throws BusinessException; void deleteTaskById(Long[] ids, boolean isLogic) throws BusinessException; /** * 判断人员是否为任务领导角色 * @param pid 人员ID * @return * */ Boolean isLeader(Long pid) throws BusinessException; List findTaskMembersByTaskIdsAndRelationType(List taskIds, Integer[] relationTypes) throws BusinessException; public List findTaskMembersByTaskIdsAndResourceType(List taskIds, Integer[] resourceTypes) throws BusinessException; /** * 领导id和relationType查询包保事项详情 * @param perId * @param key * @return */ public List findTaskMembersByResourceIdsAndRelationType( Long perId, int key) throws BusinessException; /** * 通过事项id查询表JnFgwProjectBean的详情 * @param id * @return */ public JnFgwProjectBean findJnFgwProjectBeanByTaskId(Long id) throws BusinessException; /** * 领导批示 * @param id * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public List findTaskCommand(Long id) throws BusinessException; /** * 重点项目展示 * @return */ public List findAllPublished() throws BusinessException; /** * 查询最新有效的汇报信息 * @param taskId * @return */ public TaskReportBean findNewestReport4Task(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; /** * 批量查询最新汇报 * @param taskIds 事项ID * @return key 为事项ID,value为最新汇报 * @throws BusinessException */ public Map findNewestReport4Task(Collection taskIds) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据任务id查询项目 * @param taskId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ public JnFgwProjectBean findProjectByTaskId(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据任务id查询所有有效(非被打回的汇报)汇报图片 * @param taskId * @return */ public List> findReportImgsByTaskId(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; /** * 通过事项状态tstate查询事项 * 添加二级查询 by chenx * @param i * @return */ List findAllTaskSummaryBeans(Integer[] i, Integer[] j) throws BusinessException; /** * 通过承办单位查询其所参与的所有事项 * @param object * @param mstate * @return */ List findTaskMembersByResourceIdAndMstate(Long depId, Integer mstate) throws BusinessException; /** * 通过id查询事项的所有汇报 * @param id * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findAllTaskReportBean(Long id) throws BusinessException; /** * 检查事项有无暂存汇报内容 * @param taskId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ Boolean findAllHistoryTaskReportBeans(Long[] ids) throws BusinessException; /** * 通过事项id和部门Id查询事项的所有汇报 * @param id * @param depId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findAllTaskReportBean(Long id, Long departmentId) throws BusinessException; /** * 通过事项id和部门Id查询事项的所有汇报 * @param id * @param depId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findAllTaskReportBeanBydepartmentIds(Long id, List departmentId) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据任务类型查询事项 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskSummaryBeanByTaskTypeId(Long typeId, Integer[] i) throws BusinessException; List findTaskSummaryBean(String taskTypeId) throws BusinessException; ListObject findTaskSummaryBeanByTaskTypeId(Long typeId, Integer[] i, Integer start, Integer range) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据任务类型name查血任务类型id * @param name * @return */ TaskTypeBean findTaskTypeBeanByName(String name) throws BusinessException; TaskTypeBean findTaskTypeBeanByName(String name, Integer subType) throws BusinessException; TaskTypeBean findTaskTypeBeanLikeName(String name, Integer subType) throws BusinessException; TaskTypeBean findTaskTypeByNameAndSubType(String name, Integer subType, Long accountId) throws BusinessException; TaskTypeBean findTaskTypeByParam(Map map , Long accountId) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据事项id查询关注信息 * @param id * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findDzdbAeeentionsByTaskId(Long id) throws BusinessException; /** * 添加领导批示 * @param taskCommandBean * @throws BusinessException */ void addTaskCommand(TaskCommandBean taskCommandBean) throws BusinessException; TaskSummaryBean findTaskSummaryBeanByIdAndTaskType(Long taskId, Long l) throws BusinessException; /** * 通过事项id和责任单位查询事项的责任单位 * @param taskId * @param key * @return * @throws BusinessException */ TaskMemberBean findTaskMembersByTaskIdAndRelationType(Long taskId, Integer key) throws BusinessException; List findTaskMembersByTaskIdAndRelType(Long taskId, Integer key) throws BusinessException; /** * 通过事项id和责任单位查询事项的责任单位 * @param taskId * @param key * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskMembersByTaskIdAndRelationTypes( Long taskId, Integer key) throws BusinessException; List findTaskMembersByTaskIdAndRelationTypes(Long taskId, List key) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询事项的进度 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List> findProcessState() throws BusinessException; /** * 根据事项id和状态查询事项 * @param ids * @param i * @return */ List findTaskListByIdsAndTstate( java.lang.Long[] ids, Integer[] i) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据部门和承办查询taskMember * @param key * @param key2 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findByResourceAndRelation(Integer key, Integer key2) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据事项id查询事项的督办设置 * @param taskid * @return * @throws BusinessException */ TaskReportConfigBean findTaskReportConfigByTaskId(Long taskid) throws BusinessException; List findAllTaskReportConfigByTaskId(Long taskId) ; /** * * @param taskid * @param key * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskProcessByTaskIdsAndPtype( Long taskid, Integer key) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据id查询汇报详情 * @param valueOf * @return */ TaskReportBean findTaskReportById(Long id) throws BusinessException; List findTaskReportByIds(List ids) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据领导id查询级别 * @param id * @return * @throws BusinessException */ LeaderShowConfigBean findLeaderConfigBeanByPid(Long id) throws BusinessException; void addTaskMember(TaskMemberBean memberBean) throws BusinessException; void addTaskMember(List memberBean) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据事项id和人员id查询 * @param valueOf * @param personId * @return */ List findTaskMembersByTaskIdsAndPid(Long taskId, Long personId); List findTaskMembersByTaskIdsAndPid(List taskIds, Long personId); /** * 查询重点办的项目 * @param taskTypelist * @return */ List findAllTaskSummaryBeanByTypes( String[] taskTypelist, Integer[] i); /** * 查询所有项目(按照投资截至月份排序) * @param id * @return */ List findAllTaskReportBeanOrderByEndMonth(Long id) throws BusinessException; /** * 按照月份查询当月的最新汇报 * @param id * @param month * @return */ TaskReportBean findNewestReportByMonth(Long id, Integer month) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据进度ID查询被催办的单位 * created by huzy 2017/9/20 下午3:17 * @param id * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskRemindDepartmentByProcessId(Long id) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据进度ID查询被催办的人员 * created by huzy 2017/9/20 下午3:17 * @param id * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskRemindPersonByProcessId(Long id) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询指定事项成员的汇报数据 * @param id * @param memberPhaseId 事项成员阶段ID * @param memberId 事项成员ID * @param status * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findAllTaskReportBeanTaskId(Long id, Long memberPhaseId, Long memberId, List status) throws BusinessException; void setScreenScope(Long[] plateIds, String[] scope) throws BusinessException; void handleWithOutManagerMemberTask() throws BusinessException; void handleWithOutTaskPhaseTask() throws BusinessException; /** * 更新结束时间 * @param taskIds 事项ID集合 * @param endTime 结束时间 * @param curUserId 操作人 * @param isSys 是否是系统操作,系统操作就不需要记录日志 */ void updateTaskEndTime(List taskIds, Date endTime, Long curUserId, boolean isSys) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据事项ID查询该事项所有的附件 * @param taskId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List> findAllTaskFileByTaskId(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; List findAllTaskFileRelationsByTaskIds(List taskIds,Long accountId) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询汇报的相关附件 即字段名字为reportFile的附件 * @param cid 单位ID * @param id 汇报ID,来自{@link TaskReportBean#id} * @return */ List findReportFileById(Long cid, Long id) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询任务所有汇报的相关附件 * @param cid 单位ID * @param taskId 事项 * @return */ List findReportFileByTaskId(Long cid,Long taskId) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询汇报的沟通详情附件(人大政协业务) 即字段名字为detailFile的附件 * @param cid 单位ID * @param id 汇报ID,来自{@link TaskReportBean#id} * @return */ List findReportDetailFileById(Long cid, Long id) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据事项ID查询事项分类 * create by huzy 2018/2/9 15:00 * @param taskId * @return */ TaskTypeBean findTaskTypeBeanByTaskId(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; TaskTypeBean findTaskTypeBeanByTaskId(Map params) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据iD查询任务类别 * create by inspired * @param * @return */ TaskTypeBean findTaskTypeBeanById(Map params) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据当前登录和事项ID查询最新汇报 * @param taskId * @param pid * @return * @throws BusinessException */ TaskReportBean findTaskReportByIdAndCreateBy(Long taskId, Long pid) throws BusinessException; /** * 补充完整事项留言(也可能是其他的内容 进展情况? * @param beans * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List fillTaskProcessBOs(List beans) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据汇报类型查询事项配置 * @param reportType * @return */ List findTaskReportConfigByReportType(Integer reportType) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据父ID查询子任务 * @param id * @return */ List findTaskSummaryBeansByParentId(Long id) throws BusinessException; List findTaskSummaryBeansByParentIds(List ids) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据父ID查询子任务(包含未交办) * @param id * @return */ List findTaskSummaryBeansByParentIdTemp(Long id) throws BusinessException; List findTaskSummaryBeansByParentIdsTemp(Long[] ids) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据父ID和部门id查询子任务 * @param id * @return */ List> findTaskSummaryBeansByParentIdAndDepartmentId(Long id,Long departmentId,Integer type) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询当前登录所能查看的消息类型 * @param personId * @return */ ListObject findMessageTypeBeanByAuthorizedPerson(Integer start, Integer pageSize) throws BusinessException; /** *根据taskTypeId查找 状态不为删除态的TaskSummaryBean, * **/ List findByTaskTypeAndDontDelete(String taskTypeId) throws BusinessException; Integer findMaxSerialNumByTaskTypeAndIsValid(String taskTypeId) throws BusinessException; /** *根据taskId查找 事项 * **/ TaskSummaryBean getTaskSummaryById(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; /** *根据taskTypeId 和 tstate状态查询 TaskSummaryBean, * **/ List findByTaskTypeAndDontDelete(List taskTypeId) throws BusinessException; /** *检查子任务是否由完成时间和责任单位 * **/ Boolean checkChildrenTask(Long id) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据消息类型ID查询详情 * @param aLong * @return * @throws BusinessException */ MessageTypeBean findMessageTypeById(Long aLong) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据 * @param id * @param cancount * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskTypesByParentIdAndCanCount(long parentId, int canCount) throws BusinessException; /** * 更新没有承办部门的信息 * * */ void updateNotDeptInfos()throws BusinessException; /** * 根据成员id集合查找出对应的memberBean * * */ List findTaskMemberByIds(List memberIds) throws BusinessException; /** * 更新查看标记 * * */ void updateTaskSummaryByLookOverFlag(TaskSummaryBean summary, String flag)throws BusinessException; /** * 根据ID获取当前阶段 * @param phaseId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ TaskPhase findTaskPhaseById(Long phaseId)throws BusinessException; /** * 根据一个阶段获取下一个有效的阶段 * @author inspired * @param config * @return * @throws BusinessException */ TaskPhaseReportConfig findNextTaskPhaseConfigByConfig(TaskPhaseReportConfig config)throws BusinessException; /** * 获取事项成员分派的人 * @author inspired * @param taskId * @param memberId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskDispatchMember(Long taskId,Long memberId) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据ID获取当前阶段 * @param phaseId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskPhaseByIds(List phaseId)throws BusinessException; /** * 查询所有的TaskPhase * @return 返回一个map结构 key:主键id, value:TaskPhase的Map * @throws BusinessException * */ Map findAllTaskPhaseMap() throws BusinessException; /** * 查询进行中已超期,单位未办结事项 * @param key * @param key1 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List> findOverdueNotRunTaskSummary(int key, int key1)throws BusinessException; /** * 保存members * @param saveList 需要保存的member集合 * @param bossIds if not null execute send message * @param summarys if not null execute send message * * */ void saveMembers(List saveList, Long[] bossIds, List summarys)throws BusinessException; /** * @param taskIds * @param bossIds * @param resourceId * */ Map> findTaskMemberByTaskIdsAndTypeAndResourceId(Long[] taskIds, Long[] bossIds, Integer resourceType)throws BusinessException; /** * 撤销推送信息 * * */ void revokePush(Long[] taskIds, Long[] bossIds, Integer resourceType)throws BusinessException; /** * 撤销前的检查 * * */ Map> checkRevokePush(Long[] taskIds, Long[] bossIds, Integer resourceType)throws BusinessException; /** * 查找领导关注 * * */ PageInfo findLeaderFollowVos(int start, int pageSize, Long taskType, Long taskId, Long resourceId, boolean isLeader)throws BusinessException; /** * 查找督察处理记录 * * */ PageInfo findSupervisionTreatmentVos(int start, int pageSize)throws BusinessException; /** * 查询所有的taskPhaseConfigBean * * */ List findAllPhaseReportConfig()throws BusinessException; /** * 查找所有的taskSummaryBean 组装成 Map(taskId,tskSummaryBean)形式 * * @return * Map * * */ Map findAllTaskSummaryByMap() throws BusinessException; /** * 分页查询所有报告模板 * @param start * @param pageSize * @return */ ListObject findReportTemplateByPageAll(Integer start, Integer pageSize)throws BusinessException; /** * 新增模板 * @param templateBean * @throws BusinessException */ void addReportTemplate(ReportTemplateBean templateBean)throws BusinessException; /** * 根据ID查询当前模板详情 * @param id * @return * @throws BusinessException */ ReportTemplateBean findReportTemplateById(Long id)throws BusinessException; /** * 查询所有 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findReportTemplateByAll()throws BusinessException; /** * 根据taskId和memberId 查询出memberPhases * @param taskId * @param memberId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskMemberPhaseByTaskIdAndMemberId(Long taskId,Long memberId)throws BusinessException; /** * 删除模板 * @param templateId * @throws BusinessException */ void deleteReportTemplateById(Long[] templateId)throws BusinessException; /** * 根据taskid[]与 state[]查找出对应的 * @param taskIds * @param tstate * @return state 与 taskIds的映射关系 */ Map> findTaskSummaryByTaskIdAndTstate(Long[] taskIds,Integer[] tstate)throws BusinessException; void updateTaskSummarys(List summarys)throws BusinessException; PageInfo findSuspendedVos(int start, int pageSize, SuspendedVo bean, List orgIds)throws BusinessException; /** * 获取事项查看统计 * @param taskId * @return */ List> findViewCount(String taskId)throws BusinessException; /** * 获取领导批示统计 * @param taskId * @param personId * @return */ List> findInstructionsCount(Long taskId)throws BusinessException; /** * 获取领导批示和留言的数量 * * @param taskId * @param excludedIds * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List> findInstructionsAndLeavingaMessageCount(Long taskId, List excludedIds)throws BusinessException; /** * 获取事项查看相关数据 * @param taskId 事项id * @param type 对应 BehaviorEnum.ViewTask.key * @return vo 集合 */ List findViewTaskVos(String taskId, Integer type)throws BusinessException; /** * 根据事项ID查询当前事项阶段信息 * @param taskId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskPhaseByTaskId(Long taskId)throws BusinessException; /** * 查询当前事项所有汇总计划 * @param taskId * @param i * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskMemberPhaseByTaskIdAndType(Long taskId, int i)throws BusinessException; /** * 修改计划 * @param phases * @throws BusinessException */ void updateTaskPhaseList(List phases)throws BusinessException; /** * 通过id修改阶段计划名称 * @param phases * @throws BusinessException */ void updateTaskPhaseById(String id, String name)throws BusinessException; /** * 根据事项id与状态stats查询出对应的汇报记录 * @param taskIds 事项id集合 * @param status 状态集合 * @return */ List findTaskReportByTaskIdAndStatus(List taskIds, List status)throws BusinessException; /** * 根据事项id与状态stats查询出对应的汇报记录 * @param taskIds 事项id集合 * @param status 状态集合 * @return */ List findTaskReportByTaskIdAndStatus(List taskIds, List status, List deptId)throws BusinessException; /** *批量汇报上报 * @param taskIds 事项ids * @param cid * @param pid * @param status 需要更新的状态 * @param findStatus * @throws BusinessException */ List batchReportUp(Long[] taskIds,Long cid, Long pid,Integer status, Integer[] findStatus) throws BusinessException; /** * 得到授权给指定人员的事项类型 * @param cid * @param pid * @return */ List findTaskTypeByPid(Long cid, Long pid) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据事项的id查询出事项map (key:事项id,value:事项实体) * @param taskIds * @return */ Map findTaskSummaryByIds(Long [] taskIds)throws BusinessException; /** * 查询已经超出完成时间的事项 * @param endDate * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskSummaryBeanByEndDate(Date endDate); /** * 查询当前类型所有状态事项 * @param typeId * @param startDate * @param endDate * @param key * @param type * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskSummarByType(String typeId, Date startDate, Date endDate, int key, Integer type)throws BusinessException; /** * 更新事项状态 * @param taskIds * @param state */ void updateTaskSummaryStateById(Collection taskIds, Integer state) throws BusinessException; /** * 根據ID查詢事項 * @param taskId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskSummaryBeanByIds(List taskId) throws BusinessException; /** * 根據ID查詢事項(不含其他条件) * * @param taskId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ ListObject findTaskSummaryByIds(List taskId, Integer start, Integer pageSize) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询当前事项所有承办单位 * @param id * @param key * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskMembersByTaskIdAndRelationTypeAndMstate(Long id, int key) throws BusinessException; List findTaskMembersByTaskIdAndRelationTypeAndMstate(Long id, int key,int mstate) throws BusinessException; /** * 找出指定成员类型对应状态的事项成员信息 * @param taskIds 要查找的事项id * @param relationType 指定成员类型 {@link TaskEnum.TaskMemberRelTypeEnum} * @param mstate 成员办结情况 {@link TaskEnum.TaskMemberStateEnum} * @return */ List findTaskMembersByTaskIdsAndRelationTypeAndMstate(List taskIds, Integer relationType,Integer mstate) ; /** * 删除领导关注事项成员 * @param personId * @throws BusinessException */ void deleteLeaderAttentionMember(Long personId,Long taskId,boolean isLeader) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据事项ID和成员类型成员角色查询 * @param id * @param key * @param key1 * @return */ List findTaskMembersByTaskIdAndRelationTypeAndResourceType(Long id, int key, int key1); MapfindTaskPhaseTemplateByTaskType(Long taskTypeId) throws BusinessException; /** * 统计所有事项的留言和批示数量 * @param id * @return * @throws BusinessException */ int countTaskProcessSummaryByTaskId(Long id) throws BusinessException; /** * 统计留言信息 * @param id * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List> findLeavingaMessageCount(Long id) throws BusinessException; /** * 获取下次需要自增的规则相关 * @param taskTypeId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ TaskTypeRule findNextTCode(Long taskTypeId)throws BusinessException; /** * 根据ID获取当前子阶段 * @param phaseId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ TaskPhaseReportConfig findTaskPhaseReportConfigById(Long taskPhaseReportConfigId)throws BusinessException; /** * 根据事项id和当前人的id查询出事项与当前人的关系,目前只会返回两种,督办与承办. * @param taskId 事项id * @param cid 圈子id * @param pid 当前登录人员的id * @return TaskMemberRelTypeEnum */ TaskMemberRelTypeEnum findRelationTypeBySummaryId(Long taskId, Long cid, Long pid)throws BusinessException; /** * 发送短信 * @param content 短信类容 * @param numbers 手机号码 * @return */ void sendSms(String content,List numbers,String currentUserName); /** * 发送短信 * @param summary 事项bean * @param context 发送内容 * @throws BusinessException */ void sendSms(TaskSummaryBean summary, String context) throws BusinessException; /** * 发送短信 * @param summarys 事项集合 * @param context 待发送短信前缀内容 如: 督办交办了 督办批示了 督办催办了 督办办结了 * @throws BusinessException */ void sendSms(List summarys, String context) throws BusinessException; /** * 上报汇报发送短信 * @param summarys * @param context * @throws BusinessException */ void sendSmsForReport(List summarys, String context) throws BusinessException; /** * 催办专用 * @param deptMaps * @param content * @throws BusinessException */ void sendSmsByUrge(List> deptMaps, String content)throws BusinessException; /** * 根据部门集合与人员集合查询出person.若是部门id则查询出的人员是部门联系人 * @param deptids 非必须 * @param pids 非必须 * @return List */ List findPersonByDeptAndPid(List deptids, List pids)throws BusinessException; List findTaskTypesByParentId(Long taskType) throws BusinessException; List findTaskMembersByTaskIdAndRelationTypeAndResourceType(Long taskId, List relationType, List resourceType) throws BusinessException; List findTaskMembersByTaskIdAndRelationTypeAndResourceType(List taskIds, List relationType, List resourceType) throws BusinessException; void updateTaskPhaseReportConfig(List list) throws BusinessException; /** * 批量汇报 * @param phaseId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskPhaseReportConfigByIds(String[] phaseId) throws BusinessException; List findAllTaskReportBeanTaskId(Long taskId, Long memberPhaseId, Long memberId, Long departmentId, List status) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询即将超出完成时间的事项 * @param endDate * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findExpireTaskSummaryBeanByEndDate(Date endDate)throws BusinessException; /** * 查询所有状态下的事项 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskSummaryAll(Integer[] status) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据事项id查询 * @param id * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskMemberPhaseReportConfigByTaskId(Long id) throws BusinessException; List findTaskMemberPhaseReportConfigByTaskIds(List ids) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据ID查询详情 * @param id * @return * @throws BusinessException */ TaskMemberPhaseReportConfig findTaskMemberPhaseReportConfigById(long id) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询当前阶段所有小阶段 * @param phaseId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskPhaseReportConfigByPhaseId(Long phaseId) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询所有阶段信息 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List> findTaskMemberPhaseReportConfig() throws BusinessException; /** * 查询当前人员所选择回报事项 * @param phaseId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskMemberPhaseReportConfigByTaskIdAndPhaseId(Long[] phaseId,Long taskId) throws BusinessException; TaskMemberPhaseReportConfig findTargetTaskMemberPhaseReportConfig(Long taskId,Long phaseId,Long memberId,Long phaseReportConfigId); /** * 更新汇报状态 * @param list * @throws BusinessException */ void updateTaskMemberReportConfig(List list) throws BusinessException; /** * 处理未在阶段中存在的事项 * @return 返回值为事项ID集合 */ List> findTaskMemberPhaseReportConfigByAll() throws BusinessException; /** * 根据事项ID查询所有小阶段信息 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskPhaseReportConfigByTaskId(Long taskId,Long phaseId) throws BusinessException; List findTaskPhaseReportConfigByTaskId(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据事项ID查询阶段信息 * @param taskId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskMemberPhaseByTaskId(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询某成员阶段是否已汇报 * @param taskId * @param id * @return * @throws BusinessException */ TaskReportBean findTaskReportByTaskIdAndReportId(Long taskId, Long id, Long memberId) throws BusinessException; /** * inspired 根据成员阶段获取最新汇报的情况 */ TaskReportBean findNewTaskReportByTaskMemberPhaseReportConfig(TaskMemberPhaseReportConfig bean); /** * 获取除开暂存汇报之外的最近的一次汇报内容 * @author inspired * @param bean * @return TaskReportBean */ TaskReportBean findPrevTaskReportByTaskMemberPhaseReportConfig(TaskMemberPhaseReportConfig bean); /** * 根据事项状态查询 * @param key * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskSummaryBeanByTstate(Integer[] key) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据小阶段和MemberID查询当前人员的该阶段信息 * @param reportConfigId * @param memberId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ TaskMemberPhaseReportConfig findTaskMemberPhaseReportConfigByReportIdAndMemberId(Long reportConfigId, Long memberId) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据时间查询当前登录人的事项 -- 日程首页使用 * @param keyParam * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskSummaryBeanForschedule(Map keyParam) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询已经超出完成时间的事项 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskSummaryBeanByEndDateNew()throws BusinessException; /** * 查询即将超出完成时间的事项 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findExpireTaskSummaryBeanByEndDateNew()throws BusinessException; /** * 根据事项ID和人员ID查询 * @param id * @param departIdList * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskmemberByTaskIdAndResourceId(Long id, List departIdList)throws BusinessException; List findTaskmemberByTaskIdAndResourceId(Long id, Long departId)throws BusinessException; List findTaskmemberByTaskIdsAndResourceId(List ids, Long departId)throws BusinessException; /** * 根据事项ID 和事项成员ID 和 阶段ID 修改事项成员阶段汇报状态(如果所有事项成员都汇报那么则修改事项汇报状态为已汇报) * * @param report@throws BusinessException */ void updateTaskMemberPhaseReportConfigByTaskIdAndMemberIdAndPhaseId(TaskReportBean report, Integer isReport)throws BusinessException; /** * 根据阶段ID修改阶段汇总状态 * @param phaseId * @param isReport * @throws BusinessException */ void updateTaskPhaseIsGatherById(Long phaseId, Integer IsGather)throws BusinessException; void deleteTaskPhaseById(Long phaseId) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询汇总为进展滞后的事项 * @param key * @param key1 * @return */ List findTasksummaryBeanByReportStateAndTstate(Integer key, Integer key1); /** * 这个地方是用来在督办立项的时候交办修改了阶段信息做处理的 * @param taskId * @throws BusinessException */ void deleteTaskmemberPhaseReportConfigByTaskId(Long taskId)throws BusinessException; /** * @author inspired (胡启林) * @param * @describe 删除指定资源 * @createTime 2021/5/13 16:33 */ void deleteTaskMemberPhaseReportConfig(Long taskId, Long memberId, Long phaseId)throws BusinessException; /** * 根据事项ID成员ID查询最新的汇报信息 * 如果查询最新已经通过的汇报,这个接口尽量不要使用,因此已经通过的数据状态只能是通过和历史状态 * 如果需要查询最新已经通过的汇报请调用接口findTaskReportByMemberIdAndTaskId * @param taskId * @param id * @return * @throws BusinessException */ TaskReportBean findTaskReportByTaskIdAndMemmberId(Long taskId, Long id)throws BusinessException; /** * 根据类型ID查询 * @param taskType * @return * @throws BusinessException */ boolean getTaskTypeByIds(Long[] taskType)throws BusinessException; /** * 根据事项ID查询 * @param taskIds * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List> findTaskMemberByTaskIds(String taskIds)throws BusinessException; /** * 根据ID查询类型 * @param taskCategory * @return * @throws BusinessException */ TipEnumBean getTipEnumById(Long taskCategory)throws BusinessException; /** * 根据事项ID查询所有任务类型并去重复 * @param taskIds * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List> findTipEnumByIds(String taskIds)throws BusinessException; /** * 定时器接口 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List> findTaskMemberByReprotStaus()throws BusinessException; /** * 定时器接口 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ void updateTaskMemberBySummaryState(Integer unitState, Integer overdue)throws BusinessException; /** * 定时器接口 * @param unitState * @param overdue * @throws BusinessException */ void updateTaskFromSlowToNormal()throws BusinessException; /** * 根据事项ID和角色类型查询 * @param taskId * @param key * @return * @throws BusinessException */ String findTaskMemberByTaskIdAndRelationType(Long taskId, Integer key)throws BusinessException; String findMemberIdsByTaskIdAndRelationType(Long taskId, Integer key)throws BusinessException; String findTaskMemberByTaskIdAndRelationTypes(Long taskId, Integer[] key)throws BusinessException; /** * * @param taskId * @param parseLong * @param key * @return */ List findTaskmemberByTaskIdAndResourceIdAndRelationType(Long taskId, Long parseLong, int key)throws BusinessException; List findTaskmemberByTaskIdAndResourceIdAndRelationType(Long taskId, List parseLong, int key)throws BusinessException; List findTaskmemberByTaskIdAndResourceIdAndRelationTypes(Long taskId, List parseLong, List keys)throws BusinessException; TaskMemberBean findTaskMemberBySummaryIdAndResourceIdAndRelationType(Long taskId, Long parseLong, int key)throws BusinessException; /** * 获取父任务信息 * @param taskId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ TaskSummaryBean findTaskSummaryBeanBySonId(Long taskId)throws BusinessException; /** * 查询事项成员 * @param taskId * @param relationKeys * @param pid * @return */ List findTaskMembersByTaskIdWithRelationTypeAndPid(Long taskId, List relationKeys, Long pid) throws BusinessException, SQLException; Map> findTaskMembersByTaskIdWithRelationTypeAndPid(List taskId, List relationKeys, Long pid) throws BusinessException, SQLException; /** * 根据事项ID和成员ID查询是否存在阶段信息 * @param taskId * @param id * @return */ List findTaskMemberPhaseReportConfigByTaskIdAndMemberId(Long taskId, Long id) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询列表图形统计 * @param bean * @return */ ListStatisticsVo getListStatisticsCount(Integer listType, String taskTypeId, String year) throws BusinessException; List findAllTaskSummaryAndSonTask(Long taskId,Long pid) throws BusinessException; /** * 主要用于查询列表中具体台账具体状态下的操作配置 * @param params * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List> findListStatusSetByParams(Map params)throws BusinessException; /** * 查询指定人指定任务类型下指定台账的设置,最多两条数据 * @param pid * @param taskTypeId * @param listType * @return * @throws BusinessException */ PersonListSetBean findPersonListSetByPidAndTaskTypeIdAndListTypeAndSetType(Long pid, Long taskTypeId, Integer listType,Integer setType)throws BusinessException; /** * 删除状态设置 * @param listStatusSetBeans * @throws BusinessException */ void deleteListStatusSet(List listStatusSetBeans)throws BusinessException; void saveOrUpdatePersonListSet(List personListSet)throws BusinessException; void saveOrUpdateListstatusSet(List listStatusSet)throws BusinessException; List findListStatusSetByListSetIdAndListStatus(Long id, Integer listStatus)throws BusinessException; List findTemplateFileBeansByCriterion(Criterion cr, Integer start, Integer pageSize)throws BusinessException; void addTemplateFileBean(TemplateFileBean templateFile)throws BusinessException; void saveOrupdateTemplateFileBean(ListtemplateFiles)throws BusinessException; TemplateFileBean findTemplateFileBeanById(Long id)throws BusinessException; List findTemplateFileBeansByTaskTypeIdAndType(Long taskTypeId,Integer type)throws BusinessException; String findTaskMemberNameByTaskIdAndRelationType(Long summaryId, int key)throws BusinessException; /** * 查询某个事项某个成员最新汇报信息 * @param summaryId * @param memberId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ TaskReportBean findNewTaskReportByTaskIdAndMemberId(Long summaryId, Long memberId)throws BusinessException; TaskReportBean findNewTaskReportByTaskIdAndMemberIdAndConfigId(Long summaryId, Long memberId, Long phaseReportConfigId)throws BusinessException; TaskPhaseTemplate findTaskPhaseTemplateByCriterion(Criterion c)throws BusinessException; List findTaskListTemplateByCriterion(Criterion c)throws BusinessException; /** * *根据任务列表进行分页数据 */ ListObject findTaskListTemplate(Criterion c)throws BusinessException; List findTemplateColsByTemplateId(long id)throws BusinessException; /** * 获取事项默认阶段(非当前阶段) * @author inspired * @param referenceId * @return */ TaskPhase getDefaultPhaseByTaskId(Long referenceId)throws BusinessException; /** * 获取事项当前阶段(与当前时间对应) * @author inspired * @param taskId * @return */ TaskPhase getNowTaskPhaseByTaskId(Long taskId); void saveOrUpdateAll(List taskProcessSummaryBeans)throws BusinessException; Map countTaskSummaryByRootDep(Map params) throws BusinessException; boolean saveOrUpdateTaskSummary(TaskSummaryBean taskSummaryBean); /** * 查询该任务相关文件 * @param id * @param params 参数条件 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List> findSpaceFilesByResourceIdsAndParams(List ids, Map params)throws BusinessException; /** * 查询正常的和历史的汇报 * @param taskId * @param id * @param configId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ TaskReportBean findNewTaskReportByTaskIdAndMemmberIdAndConfigId(Long taskId, Long id, Long configId)throws BusinessException; /** * 查询汇报 * @param ci * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskReportByCriterion(Criterion ci)throws BusinessException; /** * 查询类型 * @param ci * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskTypeByCriterion(Criterion ci)throws BusinessException; /** * 是否未事项承办单位,督办,协办,返回memberId * @param pid * @param taskId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List isTaskManager(Long pid, Long taskId,List type)throws BusinessException; TaskMemberBean getTaskRoleMember(Long pid, Long taskId,Integer type)throws BusinessException; /** * 此人在事项中成员角色,主要用于前端获取,其他地方需要请在map中继续封装数据 * @param taskId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ Map hasTaskPower(Long taskId,List type)throws BusinessException; List> findTaskSummaryVideoListByParams(Map params)throws BusinessException; List> findTaskSummaryVideoList(Map params)throws BusinessException; /** * 获取指定人员督办事项数量 *@param ids 人员ID集合 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ Map getTaskCountByPersonId(Long [] ids) throws BusinessException; /** * 获取指定部门所有督办事项数量 * @param depId 部门ID * @return * @throws BusinessException */ Map getTaskCountByDepId(long depId) throws BusinessException; /** * 获取指定人员督办事项类型及事项数量 * @param personId 人员ID * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List> getTaskTypesByPersonId(long personId) throws BusinessException; /** * 获取指定部门督办事项类型及事项数量 * @param depId 部门ID * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List> getTaskTypesByDepId(long depId) throws BusinessException; List findAllTaskTypeByOther(List resourceIds)throws BusinessException; /** * 插入事项修改serial_num */ void updateSerialNum(Integer serialNum)throws BusinessException; /** * 查询某个memberId的最新汇报(已通过的) * @param memberId * @param taskId * @return */ TaskReportBean findTaskReportByMemberIdAndTaskId(Long memberId, Long taskId)throws BusinessException; /** * 查询某个memberId,某个阶段的最新汇报(已通过的) * @param memberId * @param taskId * @return */ TaskReportBean findTaskReportByMemberIdAndTaskIdAndPhaseId(Long memberId, Long taskId, Long phaseId)throws BusinessException; List findTaskReportByMemberIdsAndTaskIdAndPhaseId(List memberIdList, Long taskId, Long phaseId)throws BusinessException; Map findTaskReportByMemberIdAndTaskIdMap(List memberId, Long taskId)throws BusinessException; /** * 签收任务自动签收该任务下子任务 * @param id */ void signatureTaskSon(Long id) throws BusinessException; Map findTaskOrgBeanbyId(Map params)throws BusinessException; /** * 查询该任务下的子任务事项的基本信息和最新汇报信息,传个pid,因为多线程调用无法获取到pid, * 如果没有多线程的影响,pid直接传null也是可以的 * */ List> findSonTaskSummaryByTaskId(Long id,Long pid)throws BusinessException; /** * 查询当前人员承办事项的所有领导批示 * @param start * @param pageSize * @return * @throws BusinessException */ PageInfo> findLeaderDraftDataByPid( Integer start, Integer pageSize) throws BusinessException; List findTaskSummaryBeanByReference(Long reference, Long subReference) throws BusinessException; /** * @desc 获取指定事项下指定附件类型的所有附件 * @author mssql * @date 2019/10/8 * @param taskIds 事项id集合 * @param fileTypes 附件类型集合 * @return */ List> getEnclosureListByTaskIdsAndFileTypes(List taskIds,String [] fileTypes) throws BusinessException; /** * @desc 汇总附件 * @date 2019/10/9 */ Map collectAnnex(List annexIds) throws BusinessException; /** * 分页获取指定部门督办事项列表 * @param taskTypeId 任务类型ID * @param isKeyProject 是否查询类型为重大项目的任务类型 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ ListObject pagedTaskSummarysByTaskTypeIdAndPids(long taskTypeId,boolean isKeyProject,String type,Long [] pids,int start,int range) throws BusinessException; /** * 获取指定人员督办事项数量 * @param pids 人员ID集合 * @param type finish:已完成 overdue:已超期 leaderAssigned:领导批示 leaderFollow:领导关注 传入null查全部 * @param isKeyProject 是否查询任务类型为重大项目 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ ListObject getTaskCountByPersonIds(Long [] pids,String type,boolean isKeyProject,int start, int range) throws BusinessException; /** * 获取指定人员督办事项数量 * @param pids 人员ID集合 * @param type finish:已完成 overdue:已超期 leaderAssigned:领导批示 leaderFollow:领导关注 传入null查全部 * @param isKeyProject 是否查询任务类型为重大项目 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ int getTaskCountByPersonIds(Long [] pids,String type,boolean isKeyProject) throws BusinessException; /** * * @param summaryBeans * @throws BusinessException * @describe 把summary的集合的第一个作为其他的父任务 */ void firstAsParentInSummaries(List summaryBeans) throws BusinessException; /** * * @param parentTaskId * @param childTaskId * @throws BusinessException * @describe 保存事项父子关系 */ void saveTaskFatherSonRel(Long parentTaskId,Long childTaskId)throws BusinessException; String findOrgNameByTaskMembrId(Long memberId)throws BusinessException; /** * 生成任务,公共接口,任何转督办都可以使用 * @param info * @param fileId * @param cid * @param pid */ void addDraftData(Map info, Long fileId, Long cid, Long pid,Integer num)throws BusinessException; /** * 湖北目标通知锁定操作 * @param id * @throws BusinessException */ Map editTaskTargetStatus(Long id, Integer status) throws BusinessException; /** * 处理督办首页统计效率问题独有 * @param summaryBeans * @param expireCounts * @param overdueCounts * @param unSign * @param ycq * @param taskIds * @param jjcq * @param unReport * @throws BusinessException */ void dealSearchForPortal(List summaryBeans,List expireCounts,List overdueCounts,SetunSign,Set ycq,Set taskIds,Set jjcq,Set unReport) throws BusinessException; TaskTypeRelationBean findTaskTypeRelationBeanByTaskId(Long id)throws BusinessException; void updateTaskPhaseInfo(List taskPhase, List subTasks,TaskBO bo,Boolean flag)throws BusinessException; Map findTaskmemberInfoByTaskIdAndResourceId(Long id, Long personId)throws BusinessException; TaskMemberPhase findTaskMemberPhaseByTaskIdAndMemberIdAndPhaseId(Long taskId, Long memberId, Long id)throws BusinessException; TaskMemberPhaseReportConfig findTaskMemberPhaseReportConfigByMemberPhaseIdAndConfigId(Long memberPhaseId,Long id)throws BusinessException; /** * 查询该任务类型所配页签 * @param taskType * @return */ List> findPlugListByTaskType(Long taskType,Long id,Long pid) throws BusinessException; /** * 办结操作增加验证机制,判断事项是否都汇报,是否都汇报成已完成,如果没有则给出明确的提示 * 如:A事项存在单位1,单位2未汇报,且单位3汇报状态未选已完成,B事项存在村咋单位4未汇报, * C事项存在...等 * @param id * @return * @throws BusinessException */ Map checkTaskIsOver(String id)throws BusinessException; //是否已办结 Map checkTaskIsOverByIds(String ids)throws BusinessException; /** * @author inspired (胡启林) * @param * @describe 获取当前单位能统计,且挂在树上的指定类型 * @createTime 2021/5/12 16:29 */ List findCanCountTaskTypeBeanByNeedShowTree(Integer subType,Long accountId)throws BusinessException; /** * @author inspired (胡启林) * @param * @describe 批量催办 查询未签收,未汇报,即将超期,已超期的 memberIds * @createTime 2021/4/22 13:45 */ List findTaskMemberResourceIdsByParams(String flag, Map param)throws BusinessException; /** * 根据事项ID查询所有汇报ID * @param id * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskReportByTaskId(Long id)throws BusinessException; List findAllTaskReportByTaskId(Long taskId)throws BusinessException; List findTaskSummaryByParam(Map param)throws BusinessException; /** * 查询这些任务涉及到的牵头单位和责任单位,主要用于会议模式主子任务成员同步 * 返回结果Map:key:managerIds:所有子任务牵头单位集合 managerNames:牵头单位姓名 * 返回结果Map:key:participantIds:所有子任务责任单位集合 participantNames:责任单位名称 * @param taskIds * @return * @throws BusinessException */ Map findTaskMemberList(String taskIds,String remark)throws BusinessException; List findSubFrom(Long from) throws BusinessException; List findSubFromById(Long from) throws BusinessException; List findAllTaskType() throws BusinessException; List findAllTaskTypeByAccountId(@NonNull Long orgAccountId) throws BusinessException; List findByBehTypeAndTaskid(String resId, Integer resType, String ext1) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据类型查询(目标绩效使用) * @param key * @return * @throws BusinessException * @deprecated 使用 {@link #findTaskTypeBeansBySubType(Integer,Long)} */ @Deprecated List> findTaskTypeBeanBySubType(int key) throws BusinessException; List> findTaskTypeBeanBySubTypeAndEqParentId(int key,TaskTypeBean typebean,Long taskTypeId) throws BusinessException; /** * 初始化类型树,其实是用的 findTaskTypeBeanBySubTypeAndEqParentId()方法,本方法只做了更方便的查询封装 * @param params taskType -> 要查找的类型id remark -> 要查找的类型备注(起到的作用大概是模糊查询) * 参数二传一即可,一个不传就报错 * subType -> {@link TaskEnum.TaskTypeSub} * @return 适配前端ztree组件的数据结果集 * @throws BusinessException */ List> findTypeTree(Map params) throws BusinessException; List> findTaskTypeBeanBySubTypeAndNeparendtId(int key,Long parentId) throws BusinessException; List findListColumn(Long key) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询字段名 * @param tableName 需要查询的表明 * @param columnId 查询的iD * @return * @throws BusinessException */ String findMatrixTableByColumnId(String tableName, Long columnId) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询当前类型下所有子任务 * @param typeId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskTypeBeanByParentId(Long typeId) throws BusinessException; List findTaskTypeBeanByParentAndSuType(Long parentId,Integer subType) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据类型枚举和状态查询 * @param subType * @param status * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskTypeBeanBySubTypeAndStatus(int subType, int status) throws BusinessException; /** * @author inspired (胡启林) * @param * @describe 处理成员汇报预警状态 * @createTime 2020/9/8 14:27 */ void processTaskExpiresData(List configs) throws BusinessException; /** * @author inspired (胡启林) * @param summaries * @param lampStatus {@link TaskEnum.TaskDynamicLampStatusEnum} * @describe 处理动态监控数据, 超期(传 0)和即将超期(传 1)时处理 * @createTime 2020/9/9 14:27 */ void processTaskDynamicMonitoring(List summaries, Integer lampStatus); List getReciprocal4Task(Long taskId, Integer taskMemberRelType) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据父级ID和类型查询 * @param subType * @param parentId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ TaskTypeBean findTaskTypeBeanBySubTypeAndParentId(int subType, Long parentId) throws BusinessException; /** * 保存事项模板跟采集表模板的关联关系 * @param collectionTempId * @param taskIds * @throws BusinessException */ void saveTaskTempRel(Long collectionTempId,List taskIds) throws BusinessException; /** * 通过任务模板id查询关联关系 * @param taskId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ TaskRelationship findTaskRelationshipByTaskId(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据ID查询所有类型数据 * @param targetTypeId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskTypebeanByIds(String targetTypeId) throws BusinessException; Map batchToDraft(List taskIds) throws BusinessException; /** * 通过模板id查询事项 * @param tempIds 事项的模板的id * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskSummaryByTempIds(List tempIds) throws BusinessException; /** * 领导首页督察督办 - 我的关注 台账 * @param pageInfo 分页情况 * @param map 可扩展参数 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ com.minto.tip.common.util.PageInfo findAllTaskMyAttention(com.minto.tip.common.util.PageInfo pageInfo, Map map) throws BusinessException; Boolean addTaskAttr(TaskAttrBean attrBean) throws BusinessException; void updateTaskAttr(TaskAttrBean oldBean) throws BusinessException; List findTaskAttr(Long[] taskIds) throws BusinessException; TaskAttrBean findTaskAttrByTaskId(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; /** * 添加评论 * 2017年12月19日 上午9:45:50 * * addTaskComments * @param commentBeans * @throws BusinessException *void * @exception * @since 2.0 */ void addTaskComments(List commentBeans) throws BusinessException; void addTaskComments(String contentJson, Long pid, Long cid) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询时间范围内的评价 * @param dateFrom * @param dateTo * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskComments(Date dateFrom, Date dateTo) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询单位在时间范围内的评价 * @param deptIds * @param DateFrom * @param DateTo * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskCommentsByDeptId(Long[] deptIds, Date DateFrom, Date DateTo) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据任务id和汇报id查询汇报的评价记录 * @param taskId * @param reportId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskCommentsBeanByTaskIdAndReportId(Long taskId, Long reportId) throws BusinessException; /** * 领导关注发送消息提醒 * @param creatorId * @param cid * @param personId * @param taskId * @param process * @param type * @throws BusinessException */ void addTaskAttention(Long creatorId, Long cid, Long personId, Long taskId, String process, String type) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询任务列表 * @param redFlag * @param doType * @param keyword * @param keywordShow * @param dateFrom * @param dateTo * @param curentPid * @param memberRelTypes * @param states * @param tCategory * @param cid * @param pid * @param findState * @param start * @param pageSize * @param includeIds * @param isContain * @return * @throws BusinessException */ ListObject findTaskBos(Integer redFlag, String doType, String keyword, String keywordShow, String dateFrom, String dateTo, Long curentPid, Integer[] memberRelTypes, Integer[] states, Integer tCategory, Long cid, Long pid, Integer findState, Integer start, Integer pageSize, List includeIds, boolean isContain) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询任务列表 * @param redFlag * @param doType * @param keyword * @param keywordShow * @param dateFrom * @param dateTo * @param curentPid * @param memberRelTypes * @param states * @param tCategory * @param cid * @param pid * @param findState * @param start * @param pageSize * @param includeIds * @param isContain * @param categoryId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ ListObject findTaskBos(Integer redFlag, String doType, String keyword, String keywordShow, String dateFrom, String dateTo, Long curentPid, Integer[] memberRelTypes, Integer[] states, Integer tCategory, Long cid, Long pid, Integer findState, Integer start, Integer pageSize, List includeIds, boolean isContain, Integer categoryId) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询任务列表 * @param redFlag * @param doType * @param keyword * @param keywordShow * @param dateFrom * @param dateTo * @param personId * @param memberRelTypes * @param states * @param tCategory * @param cid * @param pid * @param findState * @param start * @param pageSize * @param includeIds * @param isContain * @param categoryId * @param typeId 任务类型:任务类别表 * @param fromId 任务来源:任务类别表 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ ListObject findTaskBos(Integer redFlag, String doType, String keyword, String keywordShow, String dateFrom, String dateTo, Long personId, Integer[] memberRelTypes, Integer[] states, Integer tCategory, Long cid, Long pid, Integer findState, Integer start, Integer pageSize, List includeIds, boolean isContain, Integer categoryId, Long typeId, Long fromId) throws BusinessException; ListObject findTaskBos(Integer redFlag, String doType, String keyword, String keywordShow, String dateFrom, String dateTo, Long personId, Integer[] memberRelTypes, Integer[] states, Integer tCategory, Long cid, Long pid, Integer findState, Integer start, Integer pageSize, List includeIds, boolean isContain, Integer categoryId, Long typeId, Long fromId, String exmineState) throws BusinessException; /** * 通过taskId,查询出事项的评价列表,map中包括 * id->事项的id * pjr->评价人bean * dbrToTaskStr->督办人对单位的评价 * dbrToDwList->督办人对单位的评价 * DwToSelfList->单位对自身的评价 * @param taskId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Map findTaskComments(Long taskId, Long curUserId) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询count Level * zhangzy * @param id * @param i * @return */ Long findTaskComments(Long id, int Level) throws BusinessException; void addTaskAttention(TaskAttention dzdbAttention) throws BusinessException; List findTaskAttention(Long id) throws BusinessException; void updateTaskAttention(TaskAttention dzdbAttention) throws BusinessException; void delTaskAttr(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据事项id更改状态 * @param ids * @param state * @throws BusinessException */ void updateTaskAttrState(Long[] ids, Integer state) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据事项状态查询指定人作为督办人的“督办事项”信息 * @param pid 督办人id * @param tstate 不包含在内的事项状态,注意:是取的不包含 * @param jobType 事项类型 参考{@link TaskEnum.JobType} * @return */ List findTasksByPidAndOuterStatus(Long pid, Integer[] tstate, Integer jobType) throws BusinessException; /** * 获取事项进度数据 * @param taskId 事项ID * @param ptype 进度类型 * @param processResourceId 进度资源 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List findTaskProcessBeans(Long taskId, Integer ptype, Long processResourceId) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据汇报id查找汇报的最新留言 * @param taskId 事项ID * @param processResourceId 汇报id * @return * @throws BusinessException */ TaskProcessSummaryBean findLatestTaskProcessBean(Long taskId, Long processResourceId) throws BusinessException; /** * 分页获取事项进度数据 * @param pageInfo 分页参数 * @param params 参数 * @return * @throws BusinessException */ com.minto.tip.common.util.PageInfo findTaskProcessBeans(com.minto.tip.common.util.PageInfo pageInfo,Map params) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据重大项目ID查询是否存在留言数据 * @param projectId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ TaskProcessSummaryBean findTaskProcessSummaryByTaskId(Long projectId) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询该任务节点下的所有子节点 * @param taskId * @return */ List> displayAllSubTasks(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; /** * 显示关联任务对应的责任单位 * @param taskId * @param relationShip * @return */ StringBuffer displayUnit(Long taskId, Integer relationShip) throws BusinessException; void restoreTaskQuartzJob() throws BusinessException; /** * 根据汇报ID查询事项ID,key为汇报ID,value为事项ID * @param reportIds * @return */ Map findTaskIdByReportId(List reportIds) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询任务下最新的汇报信息 * @param taskId * @param memberId * @return * @throws BusinessException */ TaskReportBean findTaskReportByTaskIdAndUpdateTime(Long taskId, Long memberId) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据id和类型状态查询 * @param ids id * @param subType 所属类型 * @param status 状态 * @return */ List findTaskTypebeanByIdsAndSubTypeAndStatus(List ids, Integer subType, Integer status) throws BusinessException; /** * 预置绑定基础页签 * @param taskId * @throws BusinessException */ void saveLabels(Long taskId) throws BusinessException; /** * 任务类别详情或列表字段配置 * @param taskId * @param name * @param type * @throws BusinessException */ void saveDetailOrListField(Long taskId, String name, String type) throws BusinessException; /** * 查询任务模板的数据 * * @param pageInfo * @param param * @return */ com.minto.tip.common.util.PageInfo findTaskSummaryList(com.minto.tip.common.util.PageInfo pageInfo, Map param) throws BusinessException; /** * 新增消息通知 * @param map * @return */ Map addMessageConfig(Map map); /** * 删除消息通知 * @param id * @return */ Map delMessageConfig(Long id); /** * 根据消息提醒设置来发送消息 * @param param */ Map findSuperviseTasks(Map param) throws BusinessException; /** * 获取不同状态任务数量 * @param state * @return * @throws BusinessException */ Integer findTaskCountByState(Integer state, Long memberId) throws BusinessException; void sendMessage(TaskSummaryBean summaryBean, List memberBeans, int type, Integer notifyType) throws BusinessException; void sendMessage(TaskSummaryBean summaryBean, List memberBeans, int type, Integer notifyType, String message) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据状态获取任务 * @param remark * @return * @throws BusinessException */ List> findTasksByType(String remark) throws BusinessException; List> findNotifyMethod(Map name) throws BusinessException; /** * 组装消息内容 * @return */ String buildMessageInfo(Map param,String content) throws BusinessException; List> findTaskMemberRelType(Map param) throws BusinessException; List> findNotifyType(Map param) throws BusinessException; Map getTaskMessageConfig(Long taskTypeId, Integer messageType); /** * 根据类型状态和是否需要审批查询 * @param subType * @param status * @param needApproval * @return */ List findTaskTypeBeanBySubTypeAndStatusAndNeedApproval(Integer subType, Integer status, Integer needApproval) throws BusinessException; /** * 根据项目Id获取所属项目库 * @param proId * @return */ List findTaskTypeByProjectId(Long proId); /** * 根据colId获取目标项目库 * @return */ List> findTaskTypeByColId(Long colId); /** * 验证事项是不是未交办 * @param ids 事项ID * @return 返回所有为交办ID * @throws BusinessException */ List verificationTaskState(List ids) throws BusinessException; /** * 事项交办,事项延期,事项终止,事项删除,事项办结,事项分派 * create by Wangcs 2019-08-27 * * 督办事项定时生成汇报待办,签收待办 */ Integer saveTaskWaiteDoBeans(List tasks,Long pid) throws BusinessException; /** * 给成员生成汇报阶段的待办 * @author inspired * @param task * @param member * @return * @throws BusinessException */ TipAffair processMemberAffair(TaskSummaryBean task, TaskMemberBean member) throws BusinessException; /** * 定时任务调用,生成节点待办 * @author inspired * @param * @return */ void addMemberAffair(Long taskId,Long taskTypeId,Long reportConfigId,Long memberId,Integer subType,Long pid) throws BusinessException; /** 通过taskIds删除待办 * @throws BusinessException */ void deleteBytaskId(Long[] taskIds) throws BusinessException; void packCommonWaiteDos4Goal(Long personId,TaskSummaryBean task,List commonWaiteDoBeans); void deleteAllCommonWaiteDos() throws BusinessException; /** * 分页查询所有督办任务 * @param pageInfo 分页信息 * @param genericParam 用户信息 * @return 任务信息 */ com.minto.tip.common.util.PageInfo findAllSuperviseTask4WebPanel(com.minto.tip.common.util.PageInfo pageInfo, GenericParam genericParam); /** * 查询当前人员所有督办人任务的熟练 * @param genericParam * @return */ int countAllSuperviseTask4WebPanel(GenericParam genericParam); /** * 分页查询指定组织为承办单位的任务 * @param pageInfo * @param param * @return */ com.minto.tip.common.util.PageInfo findAllManagerTask4WebPanel(com.minto.tip.common.util.PageInfo pageInfo, GenericParam param); /** * 查询指定组织为承办单位的任务数量 * @param param * @return */ int countAllManagerTask4WebPanel(GenericParam param); /** * 查询当前承办人是否有分派回报 * @param managerId memberId * @param deputeFlag 是否是委托分派 1 否(为空则查询委托分派,1 非委托分派) * @return */ List findTaskMemberByParentIdAndDeputeFlag(Long managerId, Integer deputeFlag); /** * 根据任务ID查询当前任务下有没有正在进行的延期、办结、中止申请 * @param taskId 任务ID * @return */ Map checkingTaskEmail(List taskId); void saveTaskProcessSummaryBeanList(List taskProcessSummaryBeans); /** * 保存或者更新批示、留言的暂存 * * @param tempBean * @return */ Long saveOrUpdateTaskProcessTemp(TaskProcessSummaryTempBean tempBean); /** * 查询暂存的批示、留言信息 * * @param taskId * @param personId * @return */ TaskProcessSummaryTempBean findTaskProcessTempByTaskAndPerson(Long taskId, Long personId); /** * 移除暂存的批示、留言信息 * * @param taskId * @param personId * @return */ void deleteTaskProcessTempByTaskAndPerson(Long taskId, Long personId); /** * 撤回批示留言 * @param itemId * @param pid */ void deleteTaskProcess(Long itemId,Long pid) throws Exception; /** * 传阅任务 * @param taskId * @param resourceIds */ void updateTask4Circulate(Long taskId, String[] resourceIds); /** * 根据id查找任务动态 * @param processId */ Map findTaskProcessVisibilityInfo(Long processId); /** * 根据id更新任务动态 * * @param processId * @param visibilityScope * @param resourceKeys * @param pid */ void updateTaskProcessVisibility(Long processId, String visibilityScope, String[] resourceKeys, Long pid); /** * 根据人员id,获取当前人员看的批示数据Id * * @param taskId * @param pid * @return */ List findTaskProcessVisibilityRunTime(Long taskId, Long pid); }