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  942. <div class="tip-info">小途在哦!</div>
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  966. <div id="main-container" class="mt-center" style="background: ${tc:out(systemBackground,'#dae8f2')}">
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  969. <li></li>
  970. <li></li>
  971. <li></li>
  972. </ul>
  973. <ul class="roleNav showBox ">
  974. <c:choose>
  975. <c:when test="${not empty defaultPortal}">
  976. <c:forEach varStatus="s" var="mtPortal" items="${allPortal}">
  977. <li ${s.index eq 0?"class='roleLi roleChosen'":"class='roleLi'"}
  978. data-url="/portal/${}" class="roleLi roleChosen">${}</li>
  979. </c:forEach>
  980. </c:when>
  981. <c:otherwise>
  982. <li class="roleLi" data-url="/portal/">工作首页</li>
  983. </c:otherwise>
  984. </c:choose>
  985. </ul>
  986. <div class="switch_log" style="display: none;"><img src="${path}/tc_ttp/style/default/images/work.png"
  987. width="100%" alt=""></div>
  988. <!-- 贵安新区 add By yinj -->
  989. <div class="switch_content" style="display: none;">
  990. <!-- <div class="switch_content"> -->
  991. <ul>
  992. <c:choose>
  993. <c:when test="${not empty defaultPortal}">
  994. <c:forEach varStatus="s" var="mtPortal" items="${allPortal}">
  995. <li ${s.index eq 0?"class='show'":''} data-url="/portal/${}">
  996. <div class="switch_content_log">
  997. <c:if test="${ empty mtPortal.shrinkageChart}">
  998. <img src="${path}/tc_ttp/style/default/images/portal1.png" width="100%"
  999. height="100%" alt="">
  1000. </c:if>
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  1004. width="100%" height="100%" alt="">
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  1006. </div>
  1007. <p><span><label><i></i></label>${}</span></p>
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  1009. </c:forEach>
  1010. </c:when>
  1011. <c:otherwise>
  1012. <li class="show" data-url="/portal/">
  1013. <div class="switch_content_log"><img src="${path}/tc_ttp/style/default/images/portal1.png"
  1014. width="100%" height="100%" alt=""></div>
  1015. <p><span><label><i></i></label>工作首页</span></p>
  1016. </li>
  1017. </c:otherwise>
  1018. </c:choose>
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  1020. </div>
  1021. </div>
  1022. <div style="display:none;">tag_top</div>
  1023. <div class="msg-navi" title="展开" style="z-index:102; display:none;">
  1024. 圈子交流
  1025. </div>
  1026. <div id="msg_detailed_contents" class="msg_detailed_contents detailed_contents">
  1027. <div class="msg_top_title">
  1028. <span>${tc:i18n("common.message.label")}</span>
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  1034. <span class="fn--left">圈子交流</span>
  1035. <a href="javascript:;" class="closeIco glyphicon glyphicon-minus"></a>
  1036. </div>
  1037. <div id="optionDiv" class="sort-tab"
  1038. style="background: none; margin-bottom: 0px;background:#fff;display: none;">
  1039. <a href="javascript:;" style="position:relative;font-size:14px;" onfocus="this.blur();">
  1040. <span class="tomsg" target="msg"><label class="glyphicon glyphicon-globe"
  1041. style="display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;margin:0 3px 0 0;"></label>公共圈子</span>
  1042. <span class="current MySubMenu " style="position:relative;text-align:left;" target="myMsgContent"
  1043. onfocus="this.blur();"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-menu-down moreIco"
  1044. style="font-size:8px; color:#828282;" class=""></span>
  1045. <div class="hidedMenu " id="myMsgContent"
  1046. style="top:8px;left:0;z-index:1000;border-top:1px solid #ccc;">
  1047. <span class="tomsg" target="mymsg">和我相关</span>
  1048. <span class="tomsg" target="mysend">我的已发</span>
  1049. <span class="tomsg" target="msg">全部消息</span>
  1050. </div>
  1051. </span>
  1052. </a>
  1053. <a href="javascript:;" class="current" id="showSysmsg" onfocus="this.blur();" target="systemSend"
  1054. class="tomsg" style="font-size:14px;"><label class="glyphicon glyphicon-volume-up"
  1055. style="display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;margin:0 3px 0 0;"></label>系统消息</a>
  1056. </div>
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  1058. style="bottom:0;top:0px;height:100%;position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0; overflow-y:auto; overflow-x:hidden;width: 100%; ">
  1059. <!-- 好友动态区开始 ,消息选项数据-->
  1060. <div id="msg" class="community-list"
  1061. style="margin-bottom: 50px;width:100%;padding-right:10px;display:none;">
  1062. <a style="display: block;width:100%; height: 30px; text-align: center; line-height: 30px; background:#21b3e4; color: #F0F9FC; margin-top: 10px;"
  1063. href="javascript:;" class="LoadMoreButton block align-c"
  1064. id="moreFriendTrendsmsg">加载更多</a>
  1065. </div>
  1066. <div id="mymsg" style="margin-bottom: 20px;display:none;width:100%; padding-right:10px;"
  1067. class="community-list">
  1068. <a style="display: block; height: 30px; text-align: center; line-height: 30px; background: #21b3e4; color: #F0F9FC; margin-top: 10px;"
  1069. href="javascript:;" class="LoadMoreButton block align-c"
  1070. id="moreFriendTrendsmymsg">加载更多</a>
  1071. </div>
  1072. <div id="mysend" style="margin-bottom: 20px;display:none;width:100%; padding-right:10px;"
  1073. class="community-list">
  1074. <a style="display: block; height: 30px; text-align: center; line-height: 30px; background: #21b3e4; color: #F0F9FC; margin-top: 10px;"
  1075. href="javascript:;" class="LoadMoreButton block align-c"
  1076. id="moreFriendTrendsmysend">加载更多</a>
  1077. </div>
  1078. <div id="systemSend" style="margin-top:0;padding-right:8px;width:93%;margin: 0 auto 59px;"
  1079. class="community-list">
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  1083. </div>
  1084. </div>
  1085. </div>
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  1096. src="${path}/tc_ttp/images/icon-img.png" alt="" style="position: absolute;top: 19px;"></p>
  1097. <span style="display:none;float:left;padding-left: 10px;color: #fff;font-size: 14px;vertical-align:middle;">菜单</span>
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  1113. <c:otherwise>
  1114. <c:set value="/space/${menu.icoWeb}/showFile" var="iconWeb"/>
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  1120. <span class="list_show"
  1121. <%--这里的点击事件暂时注释掉,不然点击后可能出现多重页面--%>
  1122. <%--onclick='openTap("${menu.path }")'--%>
  1123. style="display:none;color: #fff;padding-left:47px;vertical-align:middle;cursor: pointer;line-height: 50px;">${mainMenuName}</span>
  1124. <div class="list_zeert">
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  1126. style="width: 200px; padding:0 0 0 30px;color:#fff;"></div>
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  1128. </li>
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  1133. style="position:relative;height:auto;min-height: 50px;">
  1134. <label style="padding-left: 16px;cursor: pointer;position: absolute;top: 17px;line-height: 16px;">
  1135. <c:choose>
  1136. <c:when test="${empty menu.icoWeb}">
  1137. <c:set value="/tc_ttp/images/shu.png${resSuffix}" var="iconWeb"/>
  1138. </c:when>
  1139. <c:otherwise>
  1140. <c:set value="/space/${menu.icoWeb}/showFile" var="iconWeb"/>
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  1142. </c:choose>
  1143. <img data-src="${path}${iconWeb}" class="orgMenuIcon" alt="" width="16px"
  1144. title="${mainMenuName}">
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  1146. <c:set value="${fn:length(menu.children) > 0}" var="hasChildren"/>
  1147. <c:choose>
  1148. <c:when test="${hasChildren}">
  1149. <span class="list_show"
  1150. style="display:none;color: #fff;padding-left:47px;vertical-align:middle;cursor: pointer;line-height: 50px;">${mainMenuName}</span>
  1151. </c:when>
  1152. <c:otherwise>
  1153. <span class="list_show"
  1154. onclick='openTap("${menu.path }")'
  1155. style="display:none;color: #fff;padding-left:47px;vertical-align:middle;cursor: pointer;line-height: 50px;">${mainMenuName}</span>
  1156. </c:otherwise>
  1157. </c:choose>
  1158. <%-- 下级菜单 --%>
  1159. <div class="list_zeert active" style="bottom:0;width:100%;overflow:auto; display:none;">
  1160. <ul class="list_ul menu-list" style="display: none">
  1161. <%--用于标识是否是第一次显示二级菜单--%>
  1162. <c:set var="showSubList" value="true"/>
  1163. <c:forEach var="menuItem" items="${menu.children }" varStatus="status">
  1164. <c:set var="menuItemName" value="${tc:i18n(}"/>
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  1168. style="padding-left: 15px">
  1169. <c:choose>
  1170. <c:when test="${fn:contains(menuItem.path, 'http')}">
  1171. <a ${!isVirtual?'name="topMenu"':''} menuId="${ }"
  1172. target="view_window"
  1173. menuName="${menuItemName}"
  1174. menuPath="${menuItem.path }"
  1175. href="javascript:;"
  1176. style="background:url('${path}/tc_suite/images/j.png') no-repeat;background-position:22px 13px;padding-left:40px;height:40px;">${menuItemName}</a>
  1177. </c:when>
  1178. <c:otherwise>
  1179. <c:choose>
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  1661. }
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  1689., key) => {
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  1700. menuSelect(type) {
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  1722. content =;
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  1726. openDetail(item) {
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  1734. touchTuzai() {
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  1736. search(value) {
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  1776. // 使用alert
  1777. $.alert(pwdExpiredMsg, function () {
  1778. changePassword(true);
  1779. })
  1780. } else {
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  1782. $.confirm(pwdExpiredMsg, function () {
  1783. changePassword(false);
  1784. })
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  1787. // 默认密码强制修改
  1788. if (${pwdUpdateFocus}) {
  1789. $.alert("当前密码是系统默认密码,请尽快修改!", function () {
  1790. changePassword(true);
  1791. })
  1792. }
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  1794. /**
  1795. * 修改密码
  1796. * @param focus 是否强制修改,强制修改则不允许关闭弹框
  1797. */
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  1799. $.dialog({
  1800. title: "密码修改",
  1801. max: false,
  1802. min: false,
  1803. content: "url:${path}/system/changePassword",
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  1807. ok: function () {
  1808. var _this = this;
  1809. var result = this.getReturnValue();
  1810. if (result.success) {
  1811. callAjaxRequest("systemWebService", "changePassword",, function (result) {
  1812. $.ok("操作成功,请使用新密码重新登录!", function () {
  1813. logout(true);
  1814. _this.close();
  1815. }, _this);
  1816. })
  1817. }
  1818. return false;
  1819. },
  1820. cancel: !focus
  1821. });
  1822. }
  1823. /**
  1824. * 退出系统
  1825. * @param silence 是否静默退出,不需要用户确认
  1826. */
  1827. function logout(silence){
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  1829. window.onbeforeunload = null;
  1830. TC.util.postAjaxData(logoutUrl, {}, () => {
  1831. window.location.href = TC.config.baseUrl + "/login";
  1832. },false)
  1833. }else{
  1834. $.confirm($.i18n("common.button.signout.label"), function () {
  1835. TC.util.postAjaxData(logoutUrl, {}, () => {
  1836. window.onbeforeunload = null;
  1837. window.location.href = TC.config.baseUrl + "/login";
  1838. },false);
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  1862. window.localStorage.setItem("home-page", JSON.stringify({
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  1864. url: url
  1865. }));
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  1900. $('.close-tuzai').click(function () {
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  1913. $('.open-img').addClass('img-rotate');
  1914. $('.open-img').attr('src', '${path}/tc_ttp/tuzai/tuzai-left.gif');
  1915. ;
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  1917. $('.open-img').show();
  1918. $('close-tuzai').css('visibility', "hidden");
  1919. $('#tuzaiIcon').hide();
  1920. });
  1921. console.log("\n" +
  1922. "    ┏┓ ┏┓\n" +
  1923. "   ┏┛┻━━━━━━━┛┻┓\n" +
  1924. "   ┃    ┃\n" +
  1925. "   ┃ ━ ┃\n" +
  1926. "   ┃  ┳┛ ┗┳  ┃\n" +
  1927. "   ┃       ┃\n" +
  1928. "   ┃   ┻   ┃\n" +
  1929. "   ┃       ┃\n" +
  1930. "   ┗━┓    ┏━┛\n" +
  1931. "    ┃    ┃\n" +
  1932. "    ┃    ┃\n" +
  1933. "    ┃    ┗━━━┓\n" +
  1934. "    ┃    ┣┓\n" +
  1935. "    ┃ ┏┛\n" +
  1936. "    ┗┓┓┏━━━━━┳┓┏┛\n" +
  1937. "    ┃┫┫ ┃┫┫\n" +
  1938. "    ┗┻┛ ┗┻┛\n" +
  1939. " \n" +
  1940. " 道可道,非常道。名可名,非常名。产品运行稳定永不报错\n" +
  1941. " Builder: <Zhengyu.Hu>\n" +
  1942. "");
  1943. console.log(" Company: %c 成都明途科技有限公司", "color:red");
  1944. console.log(" Websites: %c", "color:red");
  1945. // 解决组织机构菜单加载失败后导致的菜单图标无法加载的问题 Modifier: <Zhengyu.Hu> 2018/7/18 下午3:41 end.
  1946. TC.ui.setImgDefaultUrl("#leftMenus .orgMenuIcon", TC.config.baseUrl + "/tc_ttp/images/shu.png" + _resSuffix);
  1947. TC.ui.setImgDefaultUrl(".head-img", TC.config.baseUrl + "/tc_ttp/images/user_b.png" + _resSuffix);
  1948. TC.ui.setImgDefaultUrl(".portal-img", TC.config.baseUrl + "/tc_ttp/style/default/images/portal.png" + _resSuffix);
  1949. if (!isDevelop) {
  1950. window.onbeforeunload = function () {
  1951. return "";
  1952. };
  1953. }
  1954. // 组织机构菜单
  1955. var orgTreeSetting = {
  1956. data: {
  1957. simpleData: {
  1958. enable: true,
  1959. idKey: "id",
  1960. pIdKey: "parentId",
  1961. }
  1962. },
  1963. view: {
  1964. expandSpeed: "",
  1965. selectedMulti: false
  1966. },
  1967. callback: {
  1968. onExpand: function (event, treeId, treeNode) {
  1969. if (typeof treeNode.loadData === 'boolean' && treeNode.loadData === true) {
  1970. // 已经加载过了就不再加载数据了,但是可能需要做些奇葩事情
  1971. } else {
  1972. var zTree = $.fn.zTree.getZTreeObj(treeId);
  1973. var menus = eval("orgMenuNodes_" + treeNode.menuId);
  1974. var childNodes = getChildNodes(menus,, treeNode.menuId);
  1975. $.each(childNodes, function (i, e) {
  1976. zTree.addNodes(treeNode, e);
  1977. });
  1978. treeNode.loadData = true;
  1979. }
  1980. },
  1981. onClick: function (event, treeId, treeNode) {
  1982. /**权限验证
  1983. *督查主任,单位领导:可以穿透整个组织机构树
  1984. *分管领导:只能穿透他分管的部门及其部门下的人
  1985. *部门领导:只能穿透自己部门及其部门下的人
  1986. *普通角色:只能穿透自己
  1987. *方法里面同样需要验证,防止非法访问
  1988. **/
  1989. var result = callAjaxRequest("orgWebService", "checkAuthority",, null, null);
  1990. if (!!result) {
  1991. var url = '/interspace/gotoSpaceNew?visitId=' +;
  1992. TC.ui.openTab(url, "工作空间");
  1993. } else {
  1994. $.alert("无权访问!");
  1995. return;
  1996. }
  1997. }
  1998. }
  1999. };
  2000. /**
  2001. * 获取儿子节点
  2002. * @param nodes 所有节点
  2003. * @param parentId 爸爸ID
  2004. * @param menuId 对应的组织机构菜单ID
  2005. * @return []
  2006. */
  2007. function getChildNodes(nodes, parentId, menuId) {
  2008. var theTreeData = [];
  2009. for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
  2010. var node = nodes[i];
  2011. if (node.parentId == parentId) {
  2012. node.menuId = menuId;
  2013. theTreeData.push(node);
  2014. }
  2015. }
  2016. return theTreeData;
  2017. }
  2018. <c:forEach var="menu" items="${orgMenus}" varStatus="s">
  2019. var orgMenu_${} = '${menu.orgMenu}';
  2020. var orgMenuNodes_${} = JSON.parse(orgMenu_${} ? orgMenu_${} : '[]');
  2021. var zNodes_${} = getChildNodes(orgMenuNodes_${}, 0, '${}');
  2022. var zTree_${} = $.fn.zTree.init($("#${}_orgMenuTree"), orgTreeSetting, zNodes_${});
  2023. //zTree_${}.expandAll(true);
  2024. var unitSpaceNode = '<li id="-1" style="margin-left: 20px; height: 43px;cursor: pointer" class="level0 addOfNode" tabindex="0" hidefocus="true" treenode="">' +
  2025. '<span class="node_name" onclick="openUnitSpace();" title="单位空间">单位空间</span>' +
  2026. '</li>';
  2027. $(".addDeptSpace").prepend(unitSpaceNode);
  2028. </c:forEach>
  2029. var perId = "${ }";
  2030. var hostAddress = "${hostAddress}";
  2031. var localPort = "${localPort}";
  2032. var contentPath = "${contentPath}";
  2033. var curUserId = "${}";
  2034. var curPname = "${curUser.pname}";
  2035. var curUserName = "${curUser.username}";
  2036. var person = "${personSet}";
  2037. var curUserSkin = "${}";
  2038. var logoutUrl = "${logoutUrl}";
  2039. var cid = "${cid}";
  2040. var mainDepartment = "${mainDepartment}";
  2041. var portalNavi = "${portalNavi }";
  2042. var from = "${from}";
  2043. var homepage = "${homepage}";
  2044. var loginAccount = "${loginAccount}";
  2045. window.hostAddress = hostAddress;
  2046. window.localPort = localPort;
  2047. window.contentPath = contentPath;
  2048. /*
  2049. * 组织机构
  2050. */
  2051. var orgData = [];
  2052. var accessAccounts =
  2053. ${tc:toJSON(accessAccounts)} ||
  2054. [];
  2055. if (accessAccounts.length > 0) {
  2056. for (var i = 0; i < accessAccounts.length; i++) {
  2057. var acc = accessAccounts[i];
  2058. orgData.push({
  2059. id:,
  2060. title:
  2061. });
  2062. }
  2063. var orgItemHtml = ''
  2064. orgData.forEach(function (val) {
  2065. orgItemHtml += "<li class=\"changeAccount more-dropdown-item\" data-value=\"" + + "\" value=\"" + + "\">" + val.title + "</li>";
  2066. })
  2067. $('#org-group').show().find('.mt-dropdown-more').html(orgItemHtml)
  2068. //默认选中一项组织
  2069. mt.dropdownChoose('org-group', loginAccount)
  2070. $(".changeAccount").on("click", function () {
  2071. var value = $(this).attr("data-value");
  2072. if (value == loginAccount) {
  2073. return;
  2074. }
  2075. $.confirm("切换单位将刷新页面,是否确认?", function () {
  2076. $.startProc();
  2077. setTimeout(function () {
  2078. $.post("${path}/change/account/" + value, {}, function (result) {
  2079. window.onbeforeunload = null;
  2080. window.location.reload();
  2081. })
  2082. }, 1);
  2083. return false;
  2084. }, function () {
  2085. mt.dropdownChoose('org-group', loginAccount)
  2086. });
  2087. });
  2088. }
  2089. function showUserInfo(obj) {
  2090. var off = $(obj).offset();
  2091. $(".userInfo").css("left", off.left - 2 + "px");
  2092. $(".userInfo").css("top", - 2 + "px");
  2093. $(".userInfo").show("");
  2094. }
  2095. $(".userInfo").mouseleave(function () {
  2096. $(this).hide("fast");
  2097. });
  2098. //人员在线情况监听
  2099. function onlineTotalChangeListener(message) {
  2100. var jsonObj = $.parseJSON(message);
  2101. $("#onlineSize").html(jsonObj.onlineTotal);
  2102. $("#allPersonSize").html(jsonObj.personTotal);
  2103. $("#boxFrame").contents().find("#onlineSize2").html(jsonObj.onlineTotal);
  2104. $("#boxFrame").contents().find("#allPersonSize2").html(jsonObj.personTotal);
  2105. }
  2106. /* 进入单位空间 edited by lijun at 2020/2/18 13:45 */
  2107. function openUnitSpace() {
  2108. TC.ui.openResource({label: "单位空间", url: "/community/commonSpace"});
  2109. }
  2110. //人员下线在线监听
  2111. function onlinePersonChangeListener(model) {
  2112. if (model != null) {
  2113. var id = model.personId;
  2114. var state =;
  2115. if (state == true) {
  2116. $("#orgTree").find("#state" + id).attr("class", "state_on");
  2117. } else {
  2118. /*// 添加下线处理 Modifier: <Zhengyu.Hu> 2018/5/17 上午11:07 end.
  2119. if(id ==
  2120. ${}){
  2121. $.alert("当前用户已下线!",function(){
  2122. window.onbeforeunload = null;
  2123. TC.topWin.location.reload();
  2124. });
  2125. return;
  2126. }*/
  2127. $("#orgTree").find("#state" + id).attr("class", "state_off");
  2128. }
  2129. }
  2130. }
  2131. communityMessageManager = {
  2132. messageTotal: 0,
  2133. notifiArea: $(".notifiCount"),
  2134. dialogWindow: null,
  2135. clean: function () {
  2136. this.messageTotal = 0;
  2137. $(".notifiCount").text("").hide();
  2138. if (this.dialogWindow != null) {
  2139. this.dialogWindow.close();
  2140. this.dialogWindow = null;
  2141. }
  2142. },
  2143. init: function () {
  2144. var _this = this;
  2145. $("#toCommunity").click(function () {
  2146. _this.clean();
  2147. });
  2148. },
  2149. communityMessageListener: function (message) {
  2150. this.messageTotal++;
  2151. if (this.messageTotal > 99) {
  2152. $(".notifiCount").text("99+").show();
  2153. } else if (this.messageTotal > 0) {
  2154. $(".notifiCount").text(this.messageTotal).show();
  2155. } else {
  2156. $(".notifiCount").text("").hide();
  2157. }
  2158. //若有则关闭
  2159. if (this.dialogWindow != null) {
  2160. this.dialogWindow.close();
  2161. }
  2162. }
  2163. };
  2164. $(window).on("resize", function () {
  2165. var msgContent = $("#msg_detailed_contents");
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  2169. var WidthJ = 420 //减少量
  2170. if (Width < 1600) {
  2171. WidthJ = 380
  2172. }
  2173.{right: 90 + "px", top: "110px"});
  2174. }
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  2177. * 根据输入框和页签按钮所占高度重算内容栏高度
  2178. */
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  2182. var h3 = $("#msg-content").height();
  2183. }
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  2188. callbacks: {
  2189. onTotalScroll: function () {
  2190. //当滚动到最底部时,加载新内容
  2191. getMsg();
  2192. }
  2193. }
  2194. });
  2195. $(".menu_arrow").click(function () {
  2196. var $self = $(this);
  2197. if ($self.hasClass("openMenu")) {
  2198. $self.removeClass("openMenu");
  2199. $(this).animate({"left": 0}).attr("title", "展开菜单");
  2200. $("#main_left").animate({"width": 0}, function () {
  2201. $("#main_left").hide();
  2202. });
  2203. } else {
  2204. $(this).addClass("openMenu");
  2205. $(this).animate({"left": 160}).attr("title", "收起菜单");
  2206. $("#main_left").show().animate({"width": 160});
  2207. }
  2208. });
  2209. $(".spaceDiv").click(function () {
  2210. $(this).addClass("current").siblings().removeClass("current");
  2211. var text = $(this).html();
  2212. var targets = $(this).attr("target");
  2213. changeMainFrame(text, targets)
  2214. });
  2215. $(".daohang li").eq(0).find(".sub-daotu").show('slow');
  2216. $(".daohang li").eq(0).find("span").toggleClass("glyphicon-menu-down glyphicon-menu-up")
  2217. $(".daohang a.title").click(function () {
  2218. $(this).find(".toggleIco").toggleClass("glyphicon-menu-down glyphicon-menu-up");
  2219. $(this).parents("li").find(".sub-daotu").toggle();
  2220. });
  2221. $(".MySubMenu").each(function () {
  2222. var self = $(this);
  2223. showSubMenu(self);
  2224. });
  2225. // 改变颜色 Modifier: <Zhengyu.Hu> 2018/9/30 1:47 PM end.
  2226. $("#systemMenu span").hover(function () {
  2227. $(this).children().css("color", "#fff");
  2228. }, function () {
  2229. $(this).children().css("color", "#333");
  2230. });
  2231. index.init();
  2232. communityMessageManager.init();
  2233. $("#logout").click(function () {
  2234. logout();
  2235. });
  2236. $("a[name='topMenu']").click(function () {
  2237. var menuName = $(this).attr("menuName");
  2238. var menuPath = $(this).attr("menuPath");
  2239. var menuId = $(this).attr("menuId");
  2240. if (menuPath === "") {
  2241. $(".daohang").html("");
  2242. var param = {
  2243. "id": menuId
  2244. };
  2245. TC.util.postAjaxData(TC.config.baseUrl
  2246. + "/menu/?m=findChildrenMenu", param, function (result) {
  2247. if (result.state == "success") {
  2248. var menus = $.parseJSON(result.menus);
  2249. if (menus && menus.length > 0) {
  2250. for (var i = 0; i < menus.length; i++) {
  2251. var li = $("<li></li>");
  2252. var main = $("<a href='javascript:;' onfocus='this.blur();'></a>");
  2253. main.addClass("title");
  2254. // glyphicon glyphicon-random
  2255. main.append("<span class='toggleIco glyphicon glyphicon-menu-down'></span>" + menus[i].name);
  2256. var sub = $("<div></div>");
  2257. sub.addClass("sub-daotu");
  2258. if (menus[i].children.length > 0) {
  2259. var subMenus = menus[i].children;
  2260. for (var j = 0; j < subMenus.length; j++) {
  2261. var suba = $("<a href='javascript:;' onfocus='this.blur();'>" + subMenus[j].name + "</a>");
  2262. suba.attr("menuName", subMenus[j].name);
  2263. suba.attr("menuPath", subMenus[j].path);
  2264. suba.bind("click", function () {
  2265. TC.ui.openResource({
  2266. label: $(this).attr("menuName"),
  2267. url: $(this).attr("menuPath")
  2268. });
  2269. });
  2270. sub.append(suba);
  2271. }
  2272. }
  2273. li.append(main);
  2274. li.append(sub);
  2275. $(".daohang").append(li);
  2276. }
  2277. }
  2278. } else {
  2279. $.dialog({
  2280. title: "系统提示",
  2281. icon: result.state + ".gif",
  2282. content: result.message,
  2283. lock: true,
  2284. parent: this,
  2285. ok: true
  2286. });
  2287. }
  2288. });
  2289. } else {
  2290. TC.ui.openResource({label: menuName, url: menuPath});
  2291. }
  2292. });
  2293. $("#showSysmsg").click(function () {
  2294. $("#systemSend").show().siblings().hide();
  2295. getMsg();
  2296. });
  2297. //打开消息连接
  2298. if (${isOaUrl}) {
  2299. TC.ui.openTab("/taskmt/?m=taskDetail&id=${taskId}", "查看事项");
  2300. }
  2301. function initDwr() {
  2302. loginDwr();
  2303. dwr.engine.setActiveReverseAjax(true);
  2304. dwr.engine.setNotifyServerOnPageUnload(true);
  2305. //页面在关闭服务器报错处理
  2306. dwr.engine.setErrorHandler(function (message, ex) {
  2307. if (ex && == "dwr.engine.http.504") {
  2308. console.log("尝试重新登录...");
  2309. // 临时解决办法,虽然可以解决,但是需要找到根本问题 Modifier: <Zhengyu.Hu> 2020/3/10 1:50 下午 end.
  2310. dwr.engine._poll();
  2311. }
  2312. });
  2313. dwr.engine.setWarningHandler(function (message, ex) {
  2314. });//警告信息,主要为服务器长时间未响应等
  2315. }
  2316. });
  2317. /**
  2318. * 切换工作台
  2319. */
  2320. function changeMainFrame(text, url) {
  2321. //切换工作台重新初始化高度
  2322. var randomNum = parseInt(Math.random() * 1000);
  2323. if (!!url) {
  2324. if (url.indexOf("?") == -1) {
  2325. url += "?";
  2326. } else {
  2327. url += "&";
  2328. }
  2329. url += "_r=" + randomNum;
  2330. $("#mainFrame").attr("src", TC.config.baseUrl + url);
  2331. //改变portal后需要切换标题 modify by huzy 2017/11/6 下午3:18
  2332. //$("#indexText").html(text);
  2333. } else {
  2334. return;
  2335. }
  2336. }
  2337. // 处理左侧消息同步
  2338. function handlerLeftMessage(id) {
  2339. var msgtr = $("#sysmsg tr[id='" + id + "']");
  2340. if (msgtr.length > 0) {
  2341. msgtr.removeClass("unReadMsg");
  2342. checkHaveUnReadMsg();
  2343. }
  2344. TC.message.markMessageReaded(id);
  2345. }
  2346. // 处理右下角联动消息,点击左侧内容,右下角的消息删除
  2347. function handlerRightMessage(id) {
  2348. var tr = $("#messageList tr[msgId='" + id + "']");
  2349. if (tr.length > 0) {
  2350. tr.remove();
  2351. }
  2352. if ($("#messageList").find("tr").length < 1) {
  2353. if (TC.message.container.systemWin && typeof TC.message.container.systemWin['close'] == "function") {
  2354. TC.message.container.systemWin.close();
  2355. }
  2356. }
  2357. }
  2358. /**
  2359. * 往左侧菜单增加消息
  2360. * @param msg
  2361. */
  2362. function pushMsg(msg) {
  2363. var msgIcon = TC.config.baseUrl + "/tc_ttp/style/default/images/msg.png";
  2364. if (msg.resourceType != 12) {//暂时屏蔽手机端新留言消息
  2365. // 如果已经有了,就不再加了
  2366. if ($("#sysmsg tbody #" + > 0) {
  2367. return;
  2368. }
  2369. if (msg.resourceType === 10080001 || msg.resourceType === 10080003) {
  2370. msgIcon = TC.config.baseUrl + "/org/persons/" + msg.sender + "/?m=picon";
  2371. }
  2372. // var tr = $("<tr id='" + + "' style='border-bottom:1px solid #b5b5b5;' resType=" + msg.resourceType + " resId=" + msg.resourceId + " data-params='" + JSON.stringify(msg.params) + "'></tr>");
  2373. var tr = $("<tr id='" + + "' resType=" + msg.resourceType + " resId=" + msg.resourceId + " data-params='" + JSON.stringify(msg.params) + "' msg_type='" + msg.messageType + "'></tr>");
  2374. var rawMsg = msg.message.replace(/</g, "").replace(/>/g, "");
  2375. var msg3 = rawMsg;
  2376. if (msg3.length > 20) {
  2377. msg3 = msg3.substring(0, 18) + "...";
  2378. }
  2379. var td = $("<td width='40' height='60' valign='top'></td>");
  2380. td.append("<div class='message-icon'><img src='" + msgIcon + "'/></div>");
  2381. tr.append(td);
  2382. td = "<td name='replys' valign='top' align='left' class='mbdb-cell'>";
  2383. td += "<div class='content message-content'>";
  2384. td += "<div class='title message-content-title'>" + msg3 + "</div>";
  2385. td += "<span class='message-content-time'>" + msg.sendTimeCalendar + "</span>";
  2386. td += "</div></td>";
  2387. tr.append(td);
  2388. tr.attr("title", rawMsg);
  2389. // 根据状态进行加粗 modify by huzy 2017/11/29 15:02
  2390. if (msg.messageState == 1) {
  2391. tr.addClass("unReadMsg")
  2392. }
  2393. tr.bind("click", function () {
  2394. var msgObj = {
  2395. "msgType": $(this).attr("msg_type"),
  2396. "taskTypeId": $(this).attr("task_type_id"),
  2397. "params": $(this).data("params")
  2398. };
  2399. if ($(this).hasClass("unReadMsg")) {
  2400. TC.message.markMessageReaded($(this).attr("id"));
  2401. }
  2402. $(this).css('border-bottom', '1px solid #e5e5e5')
  2403. $(this).find(".title").css('color', '#999999');
  2404. openMsg($(this).attr("resType"), $(this).attr("resId"), $(this).attr("title"), msgObj);
  2405. $(this).removeClass("unReadMsg");
  2406. checkHaveUnReadMsg();
  2407. handlerRightMessage($(this).attr("id"));
  2408. });
  2409. $("#sysmsg tbody").append(tr);
  2410. }
  2411. }
  2412. /**
  2413. * 增加page参数,用于刷新
  2414. * @param page
  2415. * @param errorHandler 报错处理
  2416. */
  2417. function getMsg(page, errorHandler) {
  2418. var param = {
  2419. "page": page || $("#sysmsg").attr("pageNum")
  2420. };
  2421. $("#msg-content").mask({
  2422. zIndex: 2,
  2423. border: false,
  2424. position: $.fn.mask.position.inner
  2425. });
  2426. TC.util.postAjaxData(TC.config.baseUrl
  2427. + "/getHistoryMessage?_=" + $.now(), param, function (result) {
  2428. $("#msg-content").mask().close();
  2429. if (result.state == "success") {
  2430. var msgs = $.parseJSON(result.msgs);
  2431. if (msgs && msgs.length > 0) {
  2432. for (var i = 0; i < msgs.length; i++) {
  2433. var msg = msgs[i];
  2434. pushMsg(msg);
  2435. }
  2436. $("#sysmsg").next().remove();
  2437. var more = $("<a></a>");
  2438. more.attr("style", "font-weight: 600;;font-size:16px;width:100%;display: block;height:56px; text-align: center; line-height:56px; color:#1272bc;background: #fff;position: absolute;bottom:0;");
  2439. more.attr("href", "javascript:;");
  2440. more.attr("class", "LoadMoreButton block align-c");
  2441. more.html("加载更多");
  2442. more.unbind().bind("click", function () {
  2443. getMsg();
  2444. });
  2445. $("#sysmsg").after(more);
  2446. $("#sysmsg").attr("pageNum", + 1);
  2447. // 判断是否有未读消息
  2448. checkHaveUnReadMsg();
  2449. } else {
  2450. if ($("#sysmsg tr").length > 0) {
  2451. $.alert("${tc:i18n('')}");
  2452. } else {
  2453. // 增加一个提示,如果来消息,这个是需要删除的
  2454. $("#sysmsg").html("<tr class='tips'><td style='padding:5px 0 5px 50px;'>${tc:i18n("common.message.empty.label")}</td></tr>");
  2455. }
  2456. }
  2457. index.add2MsgBox = true;
  2458. } else {
  2459. $("#sysmsg").html("<tr class='tips'><td style='padding:5px 0 5px 0px;line-height: 30px;text-align: center;'>${tc:i18n("common.message.server.offline")}</td></tr>");
  2460. console.error("获取系统消息失败.");
  2461. if (errorHandler) {
  2462. errorHandler(result);
  2463. }
  2464. }
  2465. });
  2466. }
  2467. /**
  2468. * 检查是否有未读消息,,如果有就显示红点,没有就不显示
  2469. */
  2470. function checkHaveUnReadMsg() {
  2471. var msgRedDot = $("#redSpot");
  2472. if ($("#sysmsg .unReadMsg").length > 0) {
  2474. } else {
  2475. msgRedDot.hide();
  2476. }
  2477. }
  2478. function openMsg(resType, resId, title, msgObj) {
  2479. if (!!resType && resType != "null" && !!resId && resId != "null") {
  2480. var url = "";
  2481. var type = parseInt(resType);
  2482. var params = msgObj.params;
  2483. /* 修改为默认设置为true了,不然很多消息点击不能穿透了 edited by lijun at 2020/8/13 16:19 */
  2484. var isShow = true;
  2485. switch (type) {
  2486. case 10140001:
  2487. var libId = params.libId;
  2488. var status = params.status;
  2489. if (params.type == "single") {//重大项目单个
  2490. if (params.edit != null) {
  2491. url = "/project/edit/" + libId + "/" + resId;
  2492. } else {
  2493. url = "/project/detail/" + libId + "/" + resId;
  2494. }
  2495. TC.ui.openTab(url, "");
  2496. return
  2497. } else if (params.type == "multiple") {//重大项目多个
  2498. url = "/project/list/" + status + "/" + libId;
  2499. TC.ui.openTab(url, "");
  2500. return
  2501. }
  2502. break;
  2503. case 1004:
  2504. case 0:
  2505. case 1:
  2506. case 2:
  2507. case 3:
  2508. case 4:
  2509. case 5:
  2510. case 6:
  2511. case 7:
  2512. case 13:
  2513. case 14:
  2514. case 10010001:
  2515. isShow = true;
  2516. break;
  2517. case 10010009:
  2518. url = "/taskmt/?m=taskDetail&id=" + resId;
  2519. break;
  2520. case 1005:
  2521. url = "/taskmt/?m=task-list&taskType=" + resId;
  2522. break;
  2523. case 11:
  2524. case 10080001:
  2525. url = "/community/commonSpace?spaceType=" + type;
  2526. break;
  2527. case 10080004:
  2528. case 10080005:
  2529. // 留言,数据社区
  2530. url = "/community/showDataCommunity?resId=" + resId;
  2531. $.dialog({
  2532. title: "数据社区",
  2533. max: false,
  2534. min: false,
  2535. content: "url:" + TC.config.baseUrl + url,
  2536. width: "820px",
  2537. height: "600px",
  2538. lock: true,
  2539. cancel: function () {
  2540. }
  2541. });
  2542. return;
  2543. break;
  2544. case 10020001:
  2545. url = "/space/" + resId + "/?m=download";
  2546. break;
  2547. case 8:
  2548. /* @author:inspired(胡启林) describe: 邮件穿透先判断是什么类型 date: 2020/1/9*/
  2549. isShow = true;
  2550. var result = callAjaxRequest("colWebService", "findColSummaryBeanByColAffairId", resId);
  2551. if (!!result) {
  2552. if (result.colListType == 302) {//领导批示
  2553. url = "/taskByType/toLeaderDraftDetail?colId=" + + "&affairId=" + resId + "&colListType=" + result.colListType;
  2554. } else if (result.colListType == 301 || result.colListType == 303) {
  2555. url = "/doCollaboration/doColIndex?affairId=" + resId + "&colListType=" + result.colListType;
  2556. } else {//其他邮件直接穿透
  2557. url = "/doCollaboration/doColIndex?affairId=" + resId;
  2558. }
  2559. } else {
  2560. url = "/doCollaboration/doColIndex?affairId=" + resId;
  2561. }
  2562. break;
  2563. case 18:
  2564. //进入矩阵详情
  2565. if (resId.indexOf(",") > -1) {
  2566. //数据详情
  2567. var array = resId.split(",");
  2568. url = "/matrix/business/dataDetail/" + array[1] + "/" + array[0];
  2569. } else {
  2570. //表详情
  2571. url = "/matrix/business/tableDetail/" + resId
  2572. }
  2573. break;
  2574. case 10:
  2575. case 10030003:
  2576. case 10030002:
  2577. case 10010006:
  2578. case 10010007:
  2579. url = "/doCollaboration/doColIndex?affairId=" + resId;
  2580. break;
  2581. case 10030001:
  2582. url = "/doCollaboration/doColIndex?colId=" + resId;
  2583. break;
  2584. case 10060001:
  2585. url = "/knowledge/" + resId + "/";
  2586. break;
  2587. case 9:
  2588. case 10010002: //公共信息
  2589. url = "/public_Information/detail_doc/?m=detailDoc&id=" + resId;
  2590. break;
  2591. case 10010003://通知
  2592. url = "/dzdb/msgc/" + resId + "/?massage=1";
  2593. break;
  2594. case 40000002:
  2595. parent.addTab('project', '5个100工程', '/goal/project/?m=index');
  2596. return false;
  2597. break;
  2598. // 功能资源
  2599. case 20000000:
  2600. break;
  2601. case 10011001:
  2602. //增加事项归档数据展示 modify by huzy 2018/1/31 14:35
  2603. url = "/taskmt/pigeonhole/view/" + resId;
  2604. break;
  2605. case 10030011:
  2606. url = "/appraise/selfEvaluationList?summaryId=" + resId;
  2607. break;
  2608. // @author : 龙胜海(edit) 2020/01/15 增加了数据服务私云空间消息提醒
  2609. case 10050001:
  2610. url = "/tc_suite/dataserver/html/space/space_file.jsp?did=" + resId;
  2611. break;
  2612. case 11001006:
  2613. title = "民生目标";
  2614. if (params) {
  2615. var theMsgType = params.msgType;
  2616. // 催办消息
  2617. if ("remind" == theMsgType) {
  2618. var remindType = params.type;
  2619. var categoryCode = params.code;
  2620. if (categoryCode) {
  2621. if (remindType == 0) {
  2622. // 分解催办
  2623. url = "/objective/" + categoryCode + "/resolve";
  2624. } else if (remindType == 1) {
  2625. // 汇报催办
  2626. var phaseId = params.phaseId;
  2627. url = "/objective/" + categoryCode + "/phase/" + phaseId;
  2628. }
  2629. }
  2630. }
  2631. if (params.type == 2) {
  2632. //汇报发送消息
  2633. var phaseId = params.phaseId;
  2634. var categoryCode = params.code;
  2635. url = "/objective/" + categoryCode + "/phase/" + phaseId;
  2636. }
  2637. }
  2638. break;
  2639. case 10080002:
  2640. title = "部门空间";
  2641. if (params) {
  2642. url = params.url + "&jumpLy=true";
  2643. }
  2644. break;
  2645. case 10080003:
  2646. title = "个人空间";
  2647. if (params) {
  2648. url = params.url + "&jumpLy=true";
  2649. }
  2650. break;
  2651. case 31001010:
  2652. title = "问题整改";
  2653. if (params) {
  2654. url = params.url;
  2655. }
  2656. break;
  2657. case 31001011:
  2658. title = "绩效考核";
  2659. if (params) {
  2660. url = params.url;
  2661. }
  2662. var msg_type = msgObj.msgType;
  2663. switch (msg_type) {
  2664. case "1":
  2665. url = "/goal/performance/kpiEvaluation?collectId=" + resId;
  2666. TC.ui.openTab(url, "");
  2667. return
  2668. case "2":
  2669. url = "/goal/performance/kpiEvaluationResult?collectId=" + resId;
  2670. TC.ui.openTab(url, "");
  2671. return
  2672. }
  2673. break;
  2674. case 21001008: //重大项目
  2675. case 15: //重大项目
  2676. url = "/project/" + resId + "?projectType=null";
  2677. TC.ui.openTab(url, "");
  2678. return
  2679. case 10120005:
  2680. // 矩阵数据查看
  2681. url = "/dm/table/" + params.tableDef + "/?m=datain&editType=1&dataId=" + resId + "&referenceId=" + params.referenceId + "&referenceType=" + params.referenceType;
  2682. break;
  2683. case 12001000:
  2684. //目标绩效
  2685. var releaseType = params.releaseType;
  2686. var goalFormId = params.historyId;
  2687. var departmentId = params.departmentId;
  2688. switch (releaseType) {
  2689. case 1:
  2690. //目标发布
  2691. url = "/newGoal/depGoalDetail?depId=" + departmentId + "&gfId=" + goalFormId + "&gfType=" + 1 + "&isMsgCome = true";
  2692. TC.ui.openTab(url, "");
  2693. return
  2694. case 2:
  2695. //确认分管领导
  2696. url = "/newGoal/sendCollectionForm?goalFormId=" + goalFormId + "&isMsgComeDeptId=" + departmentId;
  2697. TC.ui.openTab(url, "");
  2698. return
  2699. case 3:
  2700. //承办单位自查
  2701. url = "/newGoal/sendSelfEvaluateForm?goalFormId=" + goalFormId + "&isMsgComeDeptId=" + departmentId;
  2702. TC.ui.openTab(url, "");
  2703. return
  2704. case 4:
  2705. //数据采集打分
  2706. url = "/newGoal/sendLeadUnitEvaluationForm?goalFormId=" + goalFormId + "&isMsgComeDeptId=" + departmentId;
  2707. TC.ui.openTab(url, "");
  2708. return
  2709. case 5:
  2710. case 6:
  2711. //指标进度采集表
  2712. url = "/quotaPlan/indexProgressDataCollection?goalFormId=" + goalFormId + "&isMsgComeDeptId=" + departmentId;
  2713. TC.ui.openTab(url, "");
  2714. return
  2715. case 7:
  2716. //指标省/市排名数据采集表
  2717. url = "/quotaPlan/quotaRankDataFrom?type=" + releaseType + "&goalFormId=" + goalFormId + "&isMsgComeDeptId=" + departmentId;
  2718. TC.ui.openTab(url, "");
  2719. return
  2720. case 8:
  2721. //指标的发布、编辑、删除时消息(暂时注释掉,因为这个页面穿透过去也无权访问)
  2722. break;
  2723. case 9:
  2724. case 10:
  2725. // 评价
  2726. url = "/quotaPlan/jobEvaluation?type=" + releaseType + "&goalFormId=" + goalFormId + "&isMsgComeDeptId=" + departmentId;
  2727. TC.ui.openTab(url, "");
  2728. return
  2729. }
  2730. break;
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  2745. icon: ""
  2746. });
  2747. } else {
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  2750. $.alert("该事项已被删除")
  2751. } else if (result.state == 0) {
  2752. $.alert("该事项已被撤回")
  2753. } else {
  2754. if (url == '' || url == null) {
  2755. url = "/taskmt/?m=taskDetail&id=" + resId;
  2756. }
  2757. TC.ui.openTab(url, "查看事项");
  2758. }
  2759. }, true, "get");
  2760. }
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  2764. label: '部门指标',
  2765. url: "/goal/list/manager?orgEntityKey=10000002_" + resId,
  2766. icon: ""
  2767. });
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  2769. TC.ui.openTab("/goal/goalDetailFrame?goalId=" + resId, "");
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  2772. TC.ui.openTab("/performance/eval/detail/index?id=" + resId, "");
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  2774. //todo 临时做处理,等胡正宇来调整
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  2776. url = "/taskmt/?m=taskDetail&id=" + resId;
  2777. }
  2778. TC.ui.openTab(url, "查看事项");
  2779. }
  2780. }
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  2784. TC.ui.openResource({label: "待办工作", url: url});
  2785. }
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