@@ -2116,12 +2116,11 @@ hql.append("AND EXISTS (\n" +
public List<Map<String, Object>> findTaskTypeSettingDataAnalysis(Map<String, Object> params){
String sql = "select te.id as id, te.value as name, te.color as color, (case when te.color is null or te"
+ ".color = '1' then count(CASE WHEN tts.type_state = '1' THEN tts.id END) else sum(CASE WHEN tts.type_state "
- + "is not null THEN tts.type_state else 0 END) end) as c1, (case when te.color is null or te.color = '1' then"
- + " count(tts.id) else count(CASE WHEN tts.type_state is not null THEN 1 END) end) as c2 from "
- + "task_type_setting tts inner join task_summary ts on ts.id = tts.reference_id left join (SELECT * FROM "
- + "tip_enum WHERE type IN ( SELECT id FROM tip_enum WHERE key = 'matter_type_settings' ) AND status <> -1 ) "
- + "te on te.id = tts.type_id where ts.tstate != 7 and to_char(ts.create_date,'yyyy') = :year group by te.id, "
- + "te.value, te.color ";
+ + "is not null THEN tts.type_state else 1 END) end) as c1, (case when te.color is null or te.color = '1' then"
+ + " count(tts.id) else count(tts.id) end) as c2 from task_type_setting tts inner join task_summary ts on ts"
+ + ".id = tts.reference_id left join (SELECT * FROM tip_enum WHERE type IN ( SELECT id FROM tip_enum WHERE key"
+ + " = 'matter_type_settings' ) AND status <> -1 ) te on te.id = tts.type_id where ts.tstate != 7 and to_char"
+ + "(ts.create_date,'yyyy') = :year group by te.id, te.value, te.color ";
String order = ParameterUtil.getString(params, "order", "name");
Integer asc = ParameterUtil.getInteger(params, "asc", 0);
sql = sql + (" ORDER BY " + order + (asc == 1 ? " ASC " : " DESC "));